Here's a draft outline of contents:
1) Why should you write a portable extension?
2) Overview of important APIs
3) A couple of simple examples
4) Using the ProcessAnnotatedType event to stop classes being discovered as beans, based
on the cdi-veto quickstart
5) Using the ProcessAnnotatedType event to add annotations to types with DeltaSpike, based
on the cdi-add-interceptor-binding quickstart
6) Using the ProcessInjectionTarget event to alter the default values of fields, based on
the cdi-portable-extension quickstart
7) Using the AfterBeanDiscovery event to add beans to CDI, with DeltaSpiks, based on the
??? quickstart
(2) & (3) can be extracted from the Weld ref guide I think.
We should add a few more quickstarts to demonstrate common usage patterns, I'll try to
think some up :-)
On 14 Dec 2012, at 18:27, Pete Muir wrote:
Hi all
We need to create a track (tutorial, like TicketMonster, or the one for the quickstarts)
for framework and library writers, who want to integrate with CDI and Java EE. The
quickstarts we're building for CDI and DeltaSpike will form the backbone of this, but
we need to build the guide around it.
Anyone want to take this on?
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