Right now this is development work to include the quick starts. We still need to consider
whether we want to keep them in the sandbox until 6.x BRMS/BPM. We can still include them
on the site, we just mark them clearly as experimental (and why, e.g. because of issues
like this one).
On 6 Aug 2013, at 09:24, Eric D. Schabell <erics(a)redhat.com> wrote:
I am thinking that we have been waiting a long time to include some of the integration
& BPM products, therefore we have chosen to allow these practices (there is no maven
support yet for BRMS/BPMS, coming next release) as the current best practices.
It all imports into JBDS 5,6, and 7 as maven projects, the soa tooling is provided in the
docs to make it all work.
Shame to exclude non-mavenized products that provide real value to the users and looking
at the JBoss Way, we want very much to attract Integration & BPM dev's.
I find it to be a nice middle ground for the situation at hand.
-- erics
On Aug 6, 2013, at 09:46 , Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> Is B not the install script that installs jars directly into the mvn repo with
conflicting GAV's or have that been fixed ?
> Asking since I thought the idea with jdf examples were that they didn't encourage
bad practices and was based on supported artifacts,
> and if something can't provide that these examples should be in the sandbox until
> (in case I read the mail thread wrong and these examples actually are just in sandbox
for now then sorry for the noise - github is all unicorns right now so can't check :/
> /max
> On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:17:40AM -0300, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>> Thanks guys for the help!
>> I'll use B.
>> Em 25/07/13 07:54, Pete Muir escreveu:
>>> Agree, we should use B for now, until the 6 series is available. We don't
want to merge this down to master until that point anyway.
>>> On 25 Jul 2013, at 11:44, "Eric D. Schabell"
<erics(a)redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Rafel,
>>>> There is no plan to have a BRMS 5.x maven central repo. Never was.
>>>> I worked with Geoffrey in the Drools team to put together the BOM you
find in my projects and the scripted extraction of the maven artifacts and installing
these locally is just like it will be once provided by BRMS/BPMS 6.x.
>>>> As to your possible solutions:
>>>> A - not a good way to go for the product direction we want to show with
the quickstarts. Also community is too volatile to maintain your quickstarts on, there
would be a lot of component integration issues, I promise you.
>>>> B - I would stick with this just for the BRMS 5.x series, later we can
move away from this as you see fit.
>>>> C - doubt you will find any.
>>>> Hope this helps? I sort of went through all of these problems during
creation of these, starting with no maven projects and slowly working through to get them
in the state they are in now, sort of mavenized. ;)
>>>> -- erics
>>>> On Jul 24, 2013, at 23:37 , Rafael Benevides <benevides(a)redhat.com>
>>>>> Updating the info,
>>>>> I confirmed with Petr Siroky (added to this Thread) that there
isn't an available online Maven repo except behind the VPN
>>>>> I think he have to take a decision on how to treat this. Possible
>>>>> A - Move to Community Artifacts (so we can use -with-drools BOM and
Maven Central repository)
>>>>> B - Use Eric install script which works fine but the setup and the
folder structure of the quickstart will not be close as we have on other JDF quickstarts
>>>>> B.1 - Add the project under ' complex-dependencies' Maven
>>>>> C - Choose or Think in another way to have the BRMS 5.3.1 maven
artifacts available
>>>>> I think that A is the easy way but I don't know if it is the
>>>>> Still waiting for comments.
>>>>> Em 24/07/13 17:16, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>>>>>> I'm working on this quickstart
>>>>>> and I'm
>>>>>> facing the following:
>>>>>> - This quickstart is target to BRMS 5.3.1
>>>>>> - BRMS 5.3.1 doesn't have its Maven artifacts online at:
>>>>>> - This quickstart uses a manual script to install those
>>>>>> locally (
>>>>>> )
>>>>>> - Quickstarts should use Maven Central or an online Maven repo,
right ?
>>>>>> - This quickstart doesn't use BOMs
>>>>>> - We have a -with-drools BOM that is target to Drools community
>>>>>> Questions:
>>>>>> - Is there another online repo for BRMS 5.3.1 in another place
>>>>>> ?
>>>>>> - If there isn't an online repo for BRMS 5.3.1, Should we
Downgrade this
>>>>>> quickstart to BRMS 5.3.0 (delivered on WFK 2.3)?
>>>>>> - If Downgrade, what about JBPM releases (we don't
>>>>>> org.jbpm on
>>>>>> ) ?
>>>>>> - Another possible path: Should we target this quickstart to
>>>>>> or this is not desired?
>>>>>> Comments:
>>>>>> - It seems that there isn't any BRMS Product Bom at the
moment. So
>>>>>> it will not be using BOMs with we target to Product
>>>>>> - If target to Community, we can add everything we need in
>>>>>> -with-drools BOM
>>>>>> I appreciate any comments on this
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