Hey Emmanuel,
On 5 Jun 2013, at 19:25, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)hibernate.org> wrote:
The Hibernate Search enabled version of TicketMonster relies on
Hibernate Search 4.3 which itself has a dependency on Hibernate ORM
included in WildFly and JBoss EAP.
My first approach was to ask the user to add the Hibernate Search JBoss
Module manually into their EAP / WildFly distribution and have it
referenced in jboss-deployment-structure.xml.
I also had to put Hibernate Search in my POM as provided because the BOM
references an older version of Hibernate Search.
We should be targeting the version of HSearch that is in WFK. If the BOM is out of date
(highly possible), then please either send a pull to update it or ask Rafael to do so. He
or I can do a you a release very quickly once the change is in.
To avoid the manual step, I tried to list Hibernate Search explicitly in
the POM as regular scope and no longer use
jboss-deployment-structure.xml. But then I have to play with exclusions
which is not too nice either.
Which approach is better suited for TicketMonster? And is there a better
Fix the HSearch POM so that it marks as optional or provided stuff that you are excluding
would be one way. If you don't want to do this, then another option would be to
produce a HSearch-for-WF pom as part of HSearch that does it.
In general, it's better to not make the user fiddle with exclusions, and instead do it
in the framework itself.
Here is the commit that moves from a module dependency to plain pom.xml
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