Hi all,
Moving forward on the instructions bellow, I'm now sending more
clarifications about how the project Quickstarts will be moved to
product repositories.
The idea is that they should be as close as possible, except that
project quickstarts will use Community BOMs as instructed bellow and the
Project will use the -with-* product BOM.
We will extend QSTools (
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF-511 ) to
automate this BOM replacement. The result Quickstarts will be merged on
its product repository (EAP, WFK, etc...) and the git submodules will be
removed, so the original quickstarts should continue to target the
community only.
Any other changes (README updates, bug fixes, etc) should be applied to
upstream first, and then QSTools needs to be used to update product
Quickstarts again.
The grapheme tests we are adding will guarantee that the quickstarts
still working after the BOM update.
If you have any comments, please, feel free to do it.
Em 19/09/13 14:24, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
Hi all,
This email has the intention of clarifying some issues that are appearing as a result of
the "new organization" changes, particularly around BOMs and their versions.
As we now focus on the_products_, we changed the version of the BOMs and Quickstarts to
follow the target_product_ version: EAP 6.2.0, WFK 2.4.0, JDG 6.2.0, etc.
Since the j/boss-javaee-6.0-with-*/ BOMs are now target to its_products_ versions, we
work with the_products_ teams to ensure the right dependency versions of components are
Until we get the Beta or GA versions of these BOMs, we host "developer
releases" (using/-build-x/ suffix)
We expect to move this repo in the newt few months, to a nexus managed instance
When the product is build, the version will be changed from/-build-x/ suffix
to/-redhat-1/ suffix and when a beta or GA is released will be
We don't intend to sync thehttp://jboss-developer.github.io/temp-maven-repo/ to
Maven Central.
Ok! But some_project_ teams are asking how they should treat their quickstarts given the
fact that the_project_ delivers their quickstarts but the BOMs will not be available on
Maven Central.
We're recommending the_project_ team that have their own_project_ BOMs using
their_project_ GAV. Taking Richfaces and Arquillian as example:
- Richfaces provides their own BOM under the following GAV:
- Arquillian provides their own BOM under the following GAV:
org.jboss.arquillian:arquillian-bom: 1.1.0.Final
- Richfaces is used on WFK 2.4.0 so we wrap the Richfaces BOM under the following
GAV:/org.jboss.bom.wfk: jboss-javaee-6.0-with-richfaces:2.4.0-/...
- Arquillian is also used on EAP 6.2.0 so we wrap the Arquillian BOM under the following
GAV:/org.jboss.bom.eap: jboss-javaee-6.0-with-tools:6.2.0/-.... ->
As conclusion, we're suggesting that upstream_project_ create BOMs, and then
the_product_ can wrap this BOM under the/org.jboss.bom.<_product_>:
jboss-javaee-6.0-with-<_project_>:<_product_-version>/. This allows for easy
identification of which BOM and version to use for both upstream and_product_."
If you have any further question on how it works, please let me know.
Please, forward to anyone you think that maybe interested in this email content.
Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
Red Hat Brazil
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