Personally I like seeing all the issues on a per file level. I hate
having to go in and fix everything for one checker then reopen the same file to fix
something else. I prefer to handle them one file at a time.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rafael Benevides" <benevides(a)>
> To: jdf-dev(a)
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:46:55 PM
> Subject: Re: [jdf-dev] Quickstarts and Tooling Automation - Reporting
> Hi all,
> Today I worked with maven-report-plugin to generate the output of the
> verification.
> The source is here:
> I want your opinion on what's the best report layout ?
> Layout Option 1
> (grouped by checker them file)
> CheckerName X
> -
> violation message
> line 1
> violation message
> line 35
> -
> violation message
> line 10
> CheckerName Y
> -
> another violation message
> line 3
> -
> another violation message
> line 15
> Layout Option 2
> (grouped by file)
> -
> CheckerName X
> violation message
> line 1
> CheckerName X
> violation message
> line 35
> CheckerName Y
> another violation message
> 3
> -
> CheckerName X
> violation message
> line 10
> CheckerName Y
> another violation message
> line 15
> Thanks for any comments.
> Em 14/02/13 18:25, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
> Hi all,
> JDF is growing each day. As a consequence, keep the quickstarts
> consistent is becoming a hard work.
> To mitigate this and help the maintenance of the quickstart and also
> to help the contributors to see if their quickstarts are ready to
> review, we are planning and starting the development of a tooling
> for quickstart automation.
> This tool will make use of some other well know and opensource
> projects like PMD (, checkstyke (,
> Maven Enforcer plugin, etc to attend the following requirements:
> * Validating quickstart POM files:
> * Check for the License header ( checkstyle headers )
> * Check for proper spacing and Indentation (try checkstyle -
> whitespace rule and indentation rule )
> * Check and verify if all quickstarts are using the
> same/latest BOM versions
> * Verify is it using the standard properties names (We will
> provide the standard properties name)
> * Check for non bom versions (and identify if we should
> create a new BOM)
> * Check javascript and css versions
> * Check for duplicate properties and dependencies
> * Check the pom.xml elements order
> * Create scripts to update versions (quickstart, boms, etc)
> * When a new quickstart is added, if it has a pom.xml file,
> make sure the <module> is defined in one of the following
> profiles: default, requires-postgres, complex-dependencies,
> requires-full, requires-xts, non-maven.
> * Validating quickstart README files:
> * Check for the required metadata tags in README (Level,
> Author, Target Product, etc)
> * Verify the quickstart name in the README matches the folder
> name and the project name
> * Validating quickstart source code
> * Check the quantity of comments in the code (evaluate PMD )
> * General validation (desired):
> * If a quickstart with a source other than the current
> repository is modified, create an alert of some sort so we
> can notify the upstream repository of the change.
> * When we update a BOM property version in the quickstarts,
> we need to make the same changes in the archetypes.
> * Also, if there is a code fix in the kitchensink or
> kitchensink-ear, we need to make the same fix in the
> archetype code and check other quickstarts based on the same
> archetype to see if they need the fixes applied.
> If you have some comments, I will be glad to hear you.
> Thanks
> --
> Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
> Red Hat Brazil
> +55-61-9269-6576
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> collaboration.
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