On 19/06/12 12:44, Pete Muir wrote:
Hi Rado, Wolf,
I know in the past there has been various discussions about a
clustering quickstart...
Yes, I still have it on my TODO list but I didnt get anything yet to the
presentable form. What is the time frame for this? I should have some
dedicated time for this from September.
Wolf has started writing some for clustering-esque topics -
https://github.com/jbossas/quickstart/pull/283 (currently waiting on
review, as we're still in the EAP feature freeze).
Looks great!
I had a long chat on IRC today with a user, and I think it would be
very helpful to get a quickstart that shows the use of mod_cluster,
as a front end to both a single server and a cluster (that's probably
two quickstarts!). Would either of you be able to take this on? Or
any other volunteers?
Yes, I would. I was planning to do:
#1 mod_cluster setup manual and automagically configured
#2 mod_cluster load balancing demo setup (something that I showed on
JudCon in India, well, every mod-cluster demo shows that haha)
#3 writing a custom mod_cluster metric