Dan, Aslak et al, very nice idea :-)
But I will ask you to file this in
http://issues.jboss.org/browse/JDF for now, as before
we start adding much more to the site, I think we need a "consolidation" phase,
where we try to untangle the many hacks that went into it. These range from locally fixing
awestruct extensions, that had bugs, through to the fact I didn't really know much
Ruby when I started, so some of the code is basically Java written in Ruby, through to the
fact that we're sharing a lot of custom extensions with
Arquillian.org and I think we
should try to merge them and push to an upstream [1] these extensions.
So, my proposal is to
1) let the dust settle for about a week, and see what falls out
2) do some consolidation (probably all the issues mentioned above except the shared
upstream bit)
3) start adding new stuff
Finally, I think that something we all could benefit from is an "identity
service". IMO this would be a REST service, that you could hand as much information
as you know about a user (e.g. real name, github id, email addr, blog url etc.) and it
gives you back their full profile if it knows about it. This would save us each building
an identity database locally, and I would also make attaching identity into the dynamic,
javascript embedded, bits that we have much easier (e.g. Nabble, we could change the
profile page you get, to include links back to the JBoss Community profile).
[1] Not sure if this is awestruct itself, or an awestruct-extras package of some sort? or
just awestruct-guides, awestruct-identity etc.
On 5 Jun 2012, at 22:49, Dan Allen wrote:
RIM recently launched a github-baked community wiki for BlackBerry.
of the highlights of the site is the "Edit this page" link. It directs
the visitor to the file in the github repository where the "Edit this
file" button can be found [1] to guide them through the edit, commit and
pull request workflow.
http://blackberry.github.com/Community/Community_Wiki.html (see the link
in the sidebar)
I think this would be a great feature for the jdf site. It really raises
awareness that the pages are editable.
Aslak sketched out a patch [2] that would provide this functionality for
arquillian.org that you can use as a starting point (it's still sitting
in a pull request).
The only tricky part is figuring out the best place to stick the link :)
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss, by Red Hat
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