I had a few questions about seam-spring as related to the quickstart I
submitted at
It is a simplified version of
https://github.com/mbogoevici/Seam-Spring-Basic-Example My goal was to
illustrate how to use seam-spring and strip the example down to the
barest elements so beginners had less opportunity for confusion.
The example works great, but I left in some code not fully understanding
what it does. I'd love to provide explanations to the users.
First question
I noticed in Marius' example:
...that he has a producer-field for ApplicationContext. Is that necessary?
@Produces @Web @SpringContext
ApplicationContext context;
I added one in my application because I noticed it didn't seem to work
without it and wanted to add better comments explaining why it was needed.
What does the line below do?:
<!-- FIXME: What does this do? -->
<cdi:bean-manager />
Is spring-web needed? What does it do?
<!-- Is this needed? -->
Where can I find info on what the different Spring jars do? I'd really
love to explain to the user in a sentence or 2 why there's a spring-core
and a spring-context and what each one does.