On Thu, Aug 08, 2013 at 01:32:50PM +0200, Eric D. Schabell wrote:
> Non-stable plugin updatesite url
> ================================
> First issue is the use of
> stack/aggregate/4.1.0/ as the updatesite url to add. This url is *not* a stable url
and will not be guaranteed to exist nor contain what will work with your examples.
I've asked SOA tooling guys to provide a stable url for community usage but that have
not happened yet and thus i'm stuck waiting for them to release a JBDS 7 update url.
This is what is available and what we have to use.
you could coordinate it with upcoming release and at least document this is *not* the
stable url.
> Besides the url being non-stable it definitely should not be used
together with JBDS 5 and 6 since if you add this updatesite to JBDS 5 and 6 and you run
Help > Update it will pick up newer versions of eclipse/jbds which probably is *not*
what the user wanted/expected. (note, the instructions just seem to talk about JBDS 7so
thats fine, just referring to you saying it works on JBDS 5 and 6 too).
The demo project is around so long that we have moved (see releases) through JBDS 5 to 7
Yes, that is fine. Just wanted to point out the sites are specific to eclipse release
trains so shouldn't be mixed and matched.
Similarly you don't mix and match fedora rpm repositories from fedora 14, 15 and 16
> Finally, that url contains *more* than what is supported - i.e.
savara tooling is not a supported tech yet. It's the community version as opposed to
the supported version.
Nothing I can do about that.
You could request and use the supported JBDSIS release - we could work with the soa/brms
team on getting that available.
> Non-clean pom versioning
> ========================
> Second issue is that the GAV's seem to be using the BRMS version for the jars
instead of the actual base community version of the jars.
> i.e. 5.3.1.BRMS seem to be the base for all in here but org.drools and org.jbpm
wasn't released under a 5.3.1.* version afaics.
I am only interested in providing products, this is JBoss BRMS. The upcoming versions are
supposed to start supplying maven artifacts into the central jboss repos, but until then,
this is the pragmatic solution we have chosen after discussions with jBPM / Drools teams.
Wether you want to provide products or not is irrelevant - the GAV's used should be
sane/non-overlapping with neither community or product.
If you have committment and confirmation from jbpm/drools teams that these GAV's are
correct/proper and actually the right versions to use as the community base then i'm
all good with that.
> Can't these be updated to actually use the proper versions
following the Project Wolf guidelines ?
okey, then you need to convince us that it doesn't cause conflicts on user side.
btw. you do understand the guidelines is just about using proper/consistent naming and
versioning ?
> Note: if jbpm and drools actually released 5.3.1 and that is what
BRMS 5.3.1 is based on then we are all good - but that is just not
> my understanding on how BRMS was built, i.e. jbpm was 5.2.x and drools 5.3.x
(according to Julien from productization)
The primary goal is to use these in the field, allowing them to demo products which we are
trying to sell.
Yes, and one of the primary goal of our blessed quickstarts is that they don't mess up
users maven and/or eclipse setup/installation.
The idea of GoldenGate, as preached to me, is to propogate early
access to products and not projects. If this is not the case, then you will not want to be
reviewing my demos for usage.
I did not mention anything related to this not being ok for products - i'm just
pointing out the instructions are pointing to basically unstable content.
Having worked with drools and jbpm in an enterprise, I don't even
want to try and keep Integration & BPM projects aligned and working with the diverse
components that are merged into the JBoss BRMS / BPM Suite products.
You aren't using BRMS as a whole, you are using individual parts of it (jbpm,
drools,etc.) - those exist in productized versions, the version number of them does not
necessarily match up with overall product.
These demos are specific examples of how to get things done, in JBDS
with BRMS plugins as available, on EAP versions. You can't sell what you are
describing here above, so no point in my moving from products over to project components.
You are reading my questions wrong - i'm *not* asking you to move over to project
components, i'm asking you to follow the guidelines that avoids messing up users
installs and uses maven in a Good way.
-- erics