Em 30-07-2012 11:00, Pete Muir escreveu:
> This is great.
Thanks Pete.
> * The archetype version in the code used to run the archetype is wrong, it should be
drawn from the "recommended archetype version" I guess?
Sorry. I didn't understand what/why is wrong since the code is already using the
"recommended archetype version". What version should be ?
> * It would be nice to be able to click on the other versions, and
have the command updated
Great. I'll try that.
> * Suggested archetype should be the war archetype, not the ear archetype :-)
I will change :) Thanks
> Now that I see the modal dialog in use, I wonder if we should do the same for the
I asked myself the same question. I was afraid to have boms information on two places
(boms page and stacks page). Anyway I'll change boms to use modal so we can try and
see if will it be preferred ?
> On 30 Jul 2012, at 14:22, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>> All,
>> I added the archetypes info on Stacks page.
>> I tried 3 different approaches to show the Archetypes:
>> - Archetypes on another page (information became diffuse)
>> - Tree Table (too confusing, polluted)
>> - Overlay (actual - I liked that)
>> I took a link to
http://www.jboss.org/jdf/quickstarts/jboss-as-quickstart/guide/Archetype/ on Archetype
>> Please, consider another review at
>> Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
>> Red Hat Brazil
>> +55-61-9269-6576
>> Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
>> See how it works at
>> Em 25-07-2012 17:21, Rafael Benevides escreveu:
>>> Thanks for your tips Pete. It was really awesome
>>> New release - with your commits rebased :) - to review
>>> Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
>>> Red Hat Brazil
>>> +55-61-9269-6576
>>> Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
>>> See how it works at
>>> Em 25-07-2012 07:26, Pete Muir escreveu:
>>>> On
>>>> * the code samplle indentation is probably wrong, I think it should just
be left aligned.
>>>> * You have a trailing full stop in the code sample
>>>> * Maybe we should experiment with a table for the layout, rather than the
accordion? not sure.
>>>> * the "Description:" is probably redundant, the layout of the
page makes it obvious that it's a description ;-)
>>>> * maybe we should make the Usage h3 or h4, it's a bit distracting
right now
>>>> * We've lost the info on plugins needing to be copied in from the
BOMs readmes
>>>> On
>>>> * I would prefer to present this all in one table, rather than multiple
tabs by type
>>>> * We should present newest server first, not last (descending order)
>>>> * Normally the code name of the server goes in parentheses
>>>> * Links to BOMs should open the right accordion/tab
>>>> * I wonder if we should call it "Suggested Runtime"
"Suggested BOM", "Suggested Archetype"
>>>> * Download URL isn't a URL, it's a link. Suggest you change to
"Download" and then use one of the glyphicons for in the table
>>>> * I would like to be able to expand a row, and see all the available BOMs
and archetypes, and also all available versions of said BOMs and archetypes
>>>> * Something has gone wrong with the markdown, links aren't being
correctly created
>>>> * I'll send a pull with some suggested changes to the README source
>>>> On 25 Jul 2012, at 02:24, Rafael Benevides wrote:
>>>>> Hi ALL
>>>>> After digging the awestruct/ruby/haml world I update the JDF site to
read the jboss-stack yaml file
>>>>> So I created a new section named JBoss Stacks that's what we have
been calling it.
>>>>> This new section contains:
>>>>> - The JBoss boms (from yaml file -
>>>>> )
>>>>> - The Runtime matrix (Major Releases, Minor Releases and some
Runtime data - also read from yaml file)
>>>>> - A page about JDF plugin (from README.md)
>>>>> - PLANED: Archetypes data
>>>>> This new section is at
>>>>> - I'll thank for any review and just to know: My designer skill
is terrible :p
>>>>> P.S: Pete Muir heard something about "JBoss Stacks" is an
overloaded name. I don't think that we should change it but if someone have any name
idea, it will be welcome.
>>>>> --
>>>>> Rafael Benevides | Senior Software Engineer
>>>>> Red Hat Brazil
>>>>> +55-61-9269-6576
>>>>> Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community
>>>>> See how it works at
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