Get user by id
by Chris Flatley
This is probably really obvious, but I can't find it.
I'm currently using the Admin REST API to find users by search.
I see that the Admin REST API has get user representation by username, but
I want to also find user info (UserRepresentation) given the id.
If this possible through REST?
(Use case being it makes more sense to me to store the user id in my
database as a reference back to keycloak rather than the username or
replicate any of the user info which keycloak has stored).
Many thanks (great product!)
9 years, 6 months
After reloading web page I loose the token.
by Juan Diego
I am trying to understando how to use keycloak.js in a web app with
angular, I created a button that calls keycloak.login(); and it seems to
work I am prompted with keycloaks login form, and it seems to work, I am
able to retrieve my username and display it on my page. But when I refresh
my page, it seems to loses the token. The idtoken is null or not defined.
Here it is an example of my code,,
9 years, 6 months
Multilingual support
by Juan Diego
Is it possible to set the login and register form different languages?
9 years, 6 months
Problem with SAML SLO with Redirect Binding
by pubudu gunawardena
Hi All,
When trying out SAML SLO with keycloak using Redirect Binding, noticed
that the "SigAlg" GET parameter of the logout response was set to
something like "SHA256withRSA". Quoting from section " DEFLATE
Encoding" of the spec,
"The signature algorithm identifier MUST be included as an additional
query string parameter,named SigAlg. The value of this parameter MUST
be a URI that identifies the algorithm used to sign the URL-encoded
SAML protocol message, specified according to [XMLSig] or whatever
specification governs the algorithm"
and libraries such as simplesamlphp and php-saml expect it to be a uri
in the form of "".
The mismatch causes those libraries to give errors when used with
keycloak idp.
9 years, 6 months
HTTP 403 Forbidden while connecting to bearer only application
by Arjit Agrawal
I have a new application - 'testapi' under a new realm - 'testrealm'. This
application is to be used as an API. Its an *bearer only application*.
I have also made an *OAuth Client* to access this service.
I am using *iOS AeroGear* plugin in my project to connect to API service
with all the required creditionals like clientId, roles etc.
Version of Keycloak - *1.0-beta3*.
Version of Jboss - *JBoss AS 7.1.1*
Its hosted on *Amazon AWS*. (I tried the same in my local environment it
was working but when i have done the same on Amazon server, i am getting
this issue.)
Thanks for any help on this one.
Arjit Agrawal
9 years, 6 months
Distinguish between Existing user login and new registration
by Kalinga Dissanayake
Hi guys,
Is there an easy to way to distinguish between a JWT token received after a brand new user registration or an existing user login?
Basically in my use case the client will be given the responsibility to update roles if its a brand new user registration or deny access if its an existing user. Is there an easy way to distinguish between the two.
9 years, 6 months
Keycloak SecurityDomain is removed?
by Carlos Feria
Hello, i have a applicationn on *keycloak-1.1.0.Final*. The keycloak had
<security-domain name="keycloak">
code="org.keycloak.adapters.jboss.KeycloakLoginModule" flag="required"/>
and i my classes was anotation as:
When i migrate to *keycloak-1.2.0.Final* i have an exception on deploy, and
i can't see the *security domain keycloak* on standalone.xml
the annotation @SecurityDomain("keycloak") is no more need on
Carlos E. Feria Vila
9 years, 6 months
Calling a method after log
by Juan Diego
I am doing a portal with angularJS and the backend with java, and it seems
to be working with the basics.
I am having trouble figuring out a way to do the following:
I have a table user with info like username, email and userid, avatar, etc,
and I want to update that table with the user info if it is the first time
they log in.
The only way I can think to do this is to create a controller and set it on
all my pages so it looks if the user is already in the database, but it
seems like it will try to do that all the time, which doesnt seems
9 years, 6 months
Deprecated APIs
by Fadi Abdin
I have been using below APIs and when i looked at the logs it says
" Invoking deprecated endpoint .."
What are the new APIs ? is there documentation ?
9 years, 6 months