In that case, I would likely invoke the redirection to some suffixed URL
when user click to your "Login" button. And the call to the
keycloak.init() will be done only when URL ends with this suffix (or you
can use the query parameter).
For example in the onClick event called when your button is clicked you
will have:
var myLoginCallback = function() {
if (auth.loggedIn) {
// User is already logged in. Don't do anything or do whatever
you want based on your app logic
} else {
// Redirect to the suffixed URL
window.location = '/myapp/login';
The angular bootstrap can then look like this:
angular.element(document).ready(function ($http) {
var keycloakAuth = new Keycloak('keycloak.json');
auth.loggedIn = false;
if (window.location.endsWith('/myapp/login')) {
keycloakAuth.init({ onLoad: 'login-required'
}).success(function ()
/// ... Use the code like in the example app
} else {
// Automatically bootstrap angular. Application would be in
anonymous mode
angular.bootstrap(document, ["product"]);
On 29.7.2015 14:39, Fabio Monteiro wrote:
Hi ,
I'm looking for a simple way to login to keycloak with an AngularJS app.
If i use the example (angular-produt-app) one can find with the
keyCloak appliance, the js adapter redirects the user to the Keycloak
login pase "onload " (keycloakVar.init({onLoad: 'login-required'})...)
But i want to login only when I specifically click on some button.
From what I can gatherthe method keycloakVar.login()
from the docs & JS reference is the way to go.. but replacing the
.init() method with the .login() method doesn't seem to work...
Also, in the "normal" case, the init() regular example itself lets
me, after logging-in succesfully, with still empty Javasript objects
once I am successfully redirected to my app page. (the auth global
The official angular + js-adapter :
Could you help me ? I must be missing something.
Thanks a lot
Fabio M
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