From: "Marek Posolda" <mposolda(a)>
To: "Raghu Prabhala" <prabhalar(a)>, "Bill Burke"
Cc: "Stian Thorgersen" <stian(a)>, keycloak-user(a)
Sent: Friday, 24 July, 2015 9:49:45 AM
Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] LDAP with Kerberos, login with different user
Support for prompt=select_account will be cool. Another suggestion for
adding query parameter for skip some mechanisms (like
skipAuthMechanism=cookie,kerberos ) might be good too.
That'll only make sense if we also add support to allow multiple accounts, which could
be fairly easy on the server-side, but much harder to support in adapters.
Not sure if we need to support both, but IMO it will be good to have
solution not tightly coupled to Kerberos. I can imagine similar
situation with other login mechanisms as well. For example with
authenticating users by certificate, admin may also want to skip
automatic login with the certificate from his browser and instead login
with username/password form.
On 23.7.2015 17:43, Raghu Prabhala wrote:
> The select account prompt wouldn't work for us as some of our applications
> require that the user login only by entering userid/pw but your other
> suggestion might work as long as we do the Kerberos authentication using
> Id/ow
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jul 23, 2015, at 11:28 AM, Bill Burke <bburke(a)> wrote:
>> All this interaction is defined by the SAML and OIDC specifications.
>> Logout redirects you back to the application and its up to the
>> application what to do next. We could add a query param that if it is
>> set, to not do kerberos. This could be in addition to the "login
>> automatically" flag.
>>> On 7/23/2015 11:14 AM, Raghu Prabhala wrote:
>>> Why can't we have two separate authentication mechanisms - one IWA, in
>>> which case the user is logged in automatically and on logout he is taken
>>> to a login page where a diff userid can be entered and two, a login page
>>> that allows userid/password? That would address our use case.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jul 23, 2015, at 10:50 AM, Marek Posolda <mposolda(a)>
>>>> Maybe it can be configurable for the kerberos mechanism? Just the flag
>>>> "login automatically" . If it's off, another confirmation
screen for the
>>>> user will be displayed?
>>>> Marek
>>>>> On 23.7.2015 16:36, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>>> "Is this you?"
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "Bill Burke" <bburke(a)>
>>>>>> To: keycloak-user(a)
>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, 23 July, 2015 4:02:53 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] LDAP with Kerberos, login with
>>>>>> user
>>>>>> With the new flows, we could detect a kerberos login then ask if
>>>>>> want to login as that user or another.
>>>>>>> On 7/23/2015 2:26 AM, Marek Posolda wrote:
>>>>>>> Do you want that for normal users or just for admin users?
>>>>>>> trying
>>>>>>> to understand the usecase. Because AFAIK the point of
kerberos is,
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> you login into the desktop and then you're automatically
logged into
>>>>>>> integrated web applications without need to deal with any
>>>>>>> screens
>>>>>>> and username/password. When user has just one keycloak
>>>>>>> corresponding to his kerberos ticket, then why he need to
login as
>>>>>>> different user?
>>>>>>> I can understand the usecase for admin, when you want to
login as
>>>>>>> different user for testing purpose etc. For this, isn't
it possible
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> windows to do something like "kdestroy" to be able
to login without
>>>>>>> kerberos?
>>>>>>> Marek
>>>>>>>> On 23.7.2015 07:44, Michael Gerber wrote:
>>>>>>>> Isn't it possible to create a cookie or add an url
parameter after
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> logout, so the user is not logged in automatically?
>>>>>>>> It's crucial for us to be able to log in as a
different user,
>>>>>>>> otherwise we can not use kerberos at all :(
>>>>>>>> Michael
>>>>>>>>> Am 22. Juli 2015 um 23:06 schrieb Marek Posolda
>>>>>>>>> <mposolda(a)>:
>>>>>>>>> I don't think it's doable. Kerberos is kind
of desktop login and
>>>>>>>>> logout from the web application won't destroy
the kerberos ticket -
>>>>>>>>> similarly like it can't logout your
laptop/desktop session. So when
>>>>>>>>> you visit the secured application next time, you are
>>>>>>>>> logged into Keycloak through SPNEGO due to the
Kerberos ticket.
>>>>>>>>> Hence you need to remove kerberos ticket manually
(For example
>>>>>>>>> "kdestroy" works on Linux, but I guess
you're using Windows +
>>>>>>>>> ActiveDirectory? ) and then you will be able to see
keycloak login
>>>>>>>>> screen and login as different user.
>>>>>>>>> Marek
>>>>>>>>>> On 22.7.2015 15:38, Michael Gerber wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> I use LDAP with Kerberos and would like to
logout and login again
>>>>>>>>>> with a different user (no kerberos login, just
keycloak username
>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>> password dialog).
>>>>>>>>>> Is that possible?
>>>>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>>>>> Michael
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>>>>>> Bill Burke
>>>>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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>> Bill Burke
>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat