Author: manaRH
Date: 2008-06-09 09:04:24 -0400 (Mon, 09 Jun 2008)
New Revision: 8350
removed unsupported parts in examples
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/blog/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/blog/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/blog/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -4,6 +4,4 @@
Transaction and persistence context management is handled by the
EJB container.
-This example can also run in Tomcat with JBoss Embedded.
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/booking/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/booking/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/booking/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -4,6 +4,4 @@
Transaction and persistence context management is handled by the
EJB container.
-This example can also run in Tomcat with JBoss Embedded.
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/build.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/build.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/build.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<!-- Library directories -->
<property name="lib.dir" value="${seam.dir}/lib" />
<property name="mail.dir" value="${seam.dir}/mail" />
- <property name="meldware.dir"
value="${lib.dir}/meldware.deployable" />
+ <!-- <property name="meldware.dir"
value="${lib.dir}/meldware.deployable" />-->
<!-- Target directories -->
<property name="dist.dir" value="dist" />
@@ -640,14 +640,14 @@
<!-- Deploy the target to JBoss AS -->
- <target name="deploy" depends="archive, datasource, meldware"
description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
+ <target name="deploy" depends="archive, datasource"
description="Deploy the example to JBoss AS">
<fail unless="jboss.home">
jboss.home not set, update
<copy file="${dist.dir}/${}.ear"
todir="${deploy.dir}" />
- <!-- Deploy meldware to JBoss AS -->
+ <!-- Deploy meldware to JBoss AS
<target name="meldware" if="deploy.meldware.mail">
<copyInlineDependencies id="jbosscommoncore" scope="runtime"
<dependency groupId="org.buni.meldware" artifactId="mail"
type="ear" version="1.0M8" />
@@ -664,16 +664,16 @@
<patternset refid="meldware.conf.files" />
- </target>
+ </target>-->
<target name="undeploy" description="Undeploy the example from
<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${}.ear" />
<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${example.ds}" />
- <delete>
+ <!-- <delete>
<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
- </delete>
+ </delete>-->
<!-- Copy the data source to JBoss AS -->
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
- <target name="explode" depends="jar,jboss.war,ear,datasource,
meldware" description="Deploy the exploded archive">
+ <target name="explode" depends="jar,jboss.war,ear,datasource"
description="Deploy the exploded archive">
<fail unless="jboss.home">jboss.home not set</fail>
<mkdir dir="${jar.deploy.dir}" />
@@ -711,11 +711,11 @@
<delete file="${deploy.dir}/${}-ds.xml"
failonerror="no" />
<delete dir="${ear.deploy.dir}" failonerror="no" />
- <delete failonerror="no">
+ <!-- <delete failonerror="no">
<fileset dir="${deploy.dir}">
<patternset refid="meldware.files" />
- </delete>
+ </delete> -->
<target name="restart" depends="explode"
description="Restart the exploded archive">
@@ -930,16 +930,16 @@
<target name="test" depends="buildtest,
copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run the tests">
- <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="build.classpath"
+ <taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="test.classpath"
<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}">
- <jvmarg value="-Xmx800M" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
- <jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${}" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
- <jvmarg value="${testng.jvmargs}" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${}" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
+ <jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
- <path refid="test.classpath" />
- <path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
+ <path refid="test.classpath" />
+ <path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
<xmlfileset dir="${src.test.dir}" includes="**/testng.xml"
@@ -949,11 +949,11 @@
<target name="testclass" depends="buildtest,
copyjbossembedded,getemma" description="Run a specific test">
<taskdef resource="testngtasks" classpathref="build.classpath"
<testng outputdir="${test-report.dir}" testname="${className}"
suitename="${className}" >
- <jvmarg value="-Xmx800M" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
- <jvmarg value="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${}" />
- <jvmarg value="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
- <jvmarg value="${testng.jvmargs}" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Xmx800M" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Demma.coverage.out.file=${}" />
+ <jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=${endorsed.dir}" />
+ <jvmarg line="${testng.jvmargs}" />
<path refid="test.classpath" />
<path refid="runtime.emma.path" />
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/groovybooking/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/groovybooking/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/groovybooking/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@
To undeploy the example from JBoss AS use ant jbosswar.unexplode
-Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
+Note: Example and the whole Seam integration of Groovy is marked as Technology Preview -
Support is not guaranteed.
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-glassfish.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-glassfish.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-glassfish.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate
Example for Glassfish"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-glassfish"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-glassfish" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-glassfish" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/asm.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jboss-common-core.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss-embedded.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss-embedded.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12
UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss-embedded.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24
UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="jbosswar.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate
Example for JBoss Embedded in Tomcat"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-jboss" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-jboss-embedded" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-jboss-embedded" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss405.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss405.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-jboss405.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate
Example for JBoss 4.0.5"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-jboss" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-jboss405" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-jboss405" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar"/>
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat55.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat55.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat55.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate
Example for plain Tomcat 5.5"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-tomcat" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-tomcat55" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-tomcat55" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jta.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- <!--
- <include name="examples/hibernate2/lib/mc/*.jar"/>
- -->
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="META-INF/context.xml" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat6.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat6.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-tomcat6.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate Example for plain Tomcat
6.0" />
- <property name="" value="jboss-seam-hibernate" />
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-tomcat" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-tomcat6" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-tomcat6" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml" />
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
- <include name="lib/asm.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jta.jar" />
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="META-INF/context.xml" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-weblogic92.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-weblogic92.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-weblogic92.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate
Example for WebLogic 9.2"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-weblogic92"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-weblogic92" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-weblogic92" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/jta.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
- <!-- JSF (and related) implementation -->
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar" />
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-websphere61.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-websphere61.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build-websphere61.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="Hibernate Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The Hibernate Example for WebSphere" />
- <property name="" value="jboss-seam-hibernate" />
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-websphere61"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-websphere61" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-websphere61" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml" />
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <!-- JSF (and related) implementation -->
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- <include name="META-INF/*.taglib.xml" />
- </fileset>
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/build.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -5,51 +5,16 @@
<target name="jboss" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, and deploy to JBoss 4.2.0.GA">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml"/>
- <target name="jboss-embedded" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
and deploy to JBoss Embedded in Tomcat">
- <ant antfile="build-jboss-embedded.xml"/>
- </target>
<target name="jboss.undeploy" description="Build the Hibernate
Booking example artifacts, and deploy to JBoss 4.2.0.GA">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml"
- <target name="jboss405" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to JBoss 4.0.5.GA">
- <ant antfile="build-jboss405.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="glassfish" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to Glassfish V2">
- <ant antfile="build-glassfish.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="weblogic92" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to WebLogic 9.2">
- <ant antfile="build-weblogic92.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="websphere61" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to WebSphere">
- <ant antfile="build-websphere61.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tomcat55" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to Tomcat 5.5">
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat55.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tomcat6" description="Build the Hibernate Booking
example artifacts, suitable for deployment to Tomcat 6">
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat6.xml"/>
- </target>
<target name="clean" description="Clean up the example">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-jboss405.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-glassfish.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-weblogic92.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-websphere61.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat55.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat6.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-jboss-embedded.xml" target="clean"
- <target name="all" depends="jboss, jboss405, glassfish, weblogic92,
websphere61, tomcat55, tomcat6" description="Build Hibernate Booking example,
for deployment to all supported application servers"/>
+ <target name="all" depends="jboss" description="Build
Hibernate Booking example"/>
<target name="test">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml" target="test" />
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/hibernate/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -2,72 +2,9 @@
This is the Hotel Booking example implemented in Seam and Hibernate POJOs.
-It can be deployed in JBoss AS 4.x, WebLogic, Glassfish and Tomcat without
-the EJB3 container.
-JBoss AS 4.2.x:
- * Install JBoss AS with the default profile
* ant jboss
* Start JBoss AS
* Access the app at
- * ant jboss.undeploy to undeploy example
-JBoss AS 4.0.5.GA:
- * Install JBoss AS with the default profile (with or without EJB3)
- * ant jboss405
- * Deploy dist-jboss/jboss-seam-hibernate.war
- * Start JBoss AS
- * Access the app at
-WebLogic 9.2:
- * Install WebLogic 9.2
- * ant weblogic92
- * Start the WebLogic "examples" server
- * Load the admin console
- * Deploy dist-weblogic92/jboss-seam-hibernate.war
- * Access the app at
-WebSphere 6.1: (Special thanks to Denis Forveille)
- * Install and run WebSphere 6.1
- * In Application Servers -> <server> -> Web Container Settings -> Web
Container -> Custom Properties, set
"" to "true"
- * ant websphere61
- * Install dist-websphere61/jboss-seam-hibernate.war and specify a context_root
- * From the "Enterprise Applications" list select:
"jboss-seam-hibernate_war" --> "Manager Modules" -->
"jboss-seam-hibernate.war" --> "Classes loaded with application class
loader first", and then Apply
- * Start the application
- * Access it at
-Plain Tomcat (special thanks to Ralph Schaer)
- * Install Tomcat 5.5 or Tomcat 6
- * Copy the lib/hsqldb.jar into $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib (Tomcat 5.5) or $TOMCAT_HOME/lib
(Tomcat 6)
- * ant tomcat
- * Deploy dist-tomcat55/jboss-seam-hibernate.war or
dist-tomcat6/jboss-seam-hibernate.war to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/jboss-seam-hibernate.war
- * Start Tomcat
- * Access the app at
-Tomcat with embeddable JBoss:
- * Install Tomcat
- * Install Embeddable JBoss
- * ant jboss-embedded
- * Deploy dist-jboss-embedded/jboss-seam-hibernate.war
- * Start Tomcat
- * Access the app at
- * Install Glassfish V1 or V2
- * ant glassfish
- * Start GlassFish
- * Load the admin console
- * Deploy dist-glassfish/jboss-seam-hibernate.war as Web App
- * Access the app at
- In order for the app to work out of the box with Glassfish, we have
- used the Derby (i.e. Java DB) database in Glassfish. However,
- we strongly recommend you to use a non-Derby data source (e.g., HSQL
- is a much better embedded DB) if possible. The
- WEB/classes/GlassfishDerbyDialect.class is a special hack to get around
- a Derby bug in Glassfish TM. You must use it as your Hibernate dialect
- if you are using Derby with Glassfish.
- Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
+ * ant jboss.undeploy to undeploy example
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-glassfish.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-glassfish.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-glassfish.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-glassfish"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-glassfish" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-glassfish" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/asm.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jboss-common-core.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
- <include name="lib/log4j.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss-embedded.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss-embedded.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC
(rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss-embedded.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC
(rev 8350)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="jbosswar.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
JBoss Embedded in Tomcat"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-jboss" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-jboss-embedded" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-jboss-embedded" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- </fileset>
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<project name="JPA Booking" default="jbosswar.deploy"
<!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
JBoss 4.2.0.GA"/>
+ <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
JBoss 4.2.2.GA"/>
<property name=""
<!-- resources -->
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss405.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss405.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-jboss405.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
JBoss 4.0.5"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-jboss" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-jboss405" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-jboss405" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar"/>
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat55.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat55.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat55.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
plain Tomcat 5.5"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-tomcat" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-tomcat55" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-tomcat55" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jta.jar"/>
- <!-- JSF (and related) implementation -->
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/asm.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="META-INF/context.xml" />
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat6.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat6.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-tomcat6.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
plain Tomcat 6.0"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-tomcat" />
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-tomcat6" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-tomcat6" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-lang.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jta.jar" />
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- <include name="lib/asm.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="META-INF/context.xml" />
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/log4j.xml" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic10.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic10.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic10.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for WebLogic 10"
- <property name="" value="jboss-seam-jpa" />
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-weblogic10"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-weblogic10" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
- value="exploded-archives-weblogic10" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml" />
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar" />
- <include name="lib/asm.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic92.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic92.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-weblogic92.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for WebLogic 9.2"
- <property name="" value="jboss-seam-jpa" />
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-weblogic92"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-weblogic92" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
- value="exploded-archives-weblogic92" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true" />
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml" />
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar" />
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/jta.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar" />
- <include name="lib/commons-logging.jar" />
- <!-- JSF (and related) implementation -->
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/jstl.jar" />
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar" />
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar" />
- <include name="lib/persistence-api.jar" />
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar" />
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Deleted: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-websphere61.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-websphere61.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build-websphere61.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="JPA Booking" default="noejb.archive"
- <!-- Naming -->
- <property name="Name" value="The JPA Example for
WebSphere + EJB3 FP"/>
- <property name=""
- <!-- resources -->
- <property name="resources.dir" value="resources-websphere61"
- <property name="dist.dir" value="dist-websphere61" />
- <property name="exploded-archives.dir"
value="exploded-archives-websphere61" />
- <!-- Libraries to include -->
- <property name="seam.ui.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="seam.debug.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="facelets.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="richfaces.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="el-ri.lib" value="true"/>
- <property name="jboss-common-core.lib" value="true" />
- <import file="../build.xml"/>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.lib.extras" dir="${seam.dir}">
- <!-- Seam deps -->
- <include name="lib/dom4j.jar" />
- <include name="lib/javassist.jar"/>
- <!-- Misc -->
- <include name="lib/commons-beanutils.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-digester.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
- <!-- JSF (and related) implementation -->
- <include name="lib/jsf-api.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/jsf-impl.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/el-api.jar" />
- <!-- Hibernate and deps -->
- <include name="lib/hibernate.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-commons-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-annotations.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-entitymanager.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/hibernate-validator.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/cglib.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/asm.jar"/>
- <include name="lib/antlr.jar" />
- </fileset>
- <fileset id="noejb.war.extras" dir="${resources.dir}">
- <include name="WEB-INF/classes/**/*" />
- </fileset>
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build.xml
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build.xml 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/build.xml 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -2,54 +2,19 @@
<project name="JPA Booking" default="jboss"
- <target name="jboss" description="Build the JPA artifacts, and
deploy to JBoss 4.2.0.GA">
+ <target name="jboss" description="Build the JPA artifacts, and
deploy to JBoss 4.2.2.GA">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml"/>
- <target name="jboss-embedded" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
and deploy to JBoss Embedded in Tomcat">
- <ant antfile="build-jboss-embedded.xml"/>
- </target>
<target name="jboss.undeploy" description="Undeploy JPA example from
JBoss AS">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml"
- <target name="jboss405" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to JBoss 4.0.5.GA">
- <ant antfile="build-jboss405.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="glassfish" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to Glassfish V2">
- <ant antfile="build-glassfish.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="weblogic92" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to WebLogic 9.2">
- <ant antfile="build-weblogic92.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="websphere61" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to WebSphere + EJB3 FP">
- <ant antfile="build-websphere61.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tomcat55" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to Tomcat 5.5">
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat55.xml"/>
- </target>
- <target name="tomcat6" description="Build the JPA artifacts,
suitable for deployment to Tomcat 6.0">
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat6.xml"/>
- </target>
<target name="clean" description="Clean up the example">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-jboss405.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-glassfish.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-weblogic92.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-websphere61.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat55.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-tomcat6.xml" target="clean" />
- <ant antfile="build-jboss-embedded.xml" target="clean"
- <target name="all" depends="jboss, jboss405, glassfish, weblogic92,
websphere61, tomcat55, tomcat6"/>
+ <target name="all" depends="jboss"/>
<target name="test">
<ant antfile="build-jboss.xml" target="test" />
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/jpa/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -2,83 +2,9 @@
This is the Hotel Booking example implemented in Seam POJO and Hibernate JPA.
-It can be deployed in JBoss AS 4.x, WebLogic, Glassfish, Tomcat (both with and
-without the EJB3 container).
-JBoss AS 4.2.0:
- * Install JBoss AS 4.2.0 GA
* ant jboss
* Start JBoss AS
* Access the app at
- * ant jboss.undeploy to undeploy example
-JBoss AS 4.0.5 (with or without EJB3):
- * Install JBoss AS 4.0.5 with the default J2EE profile
- * ant jboss405
- * Deploy dist-jboss405/jboss-seam-jpa.war
- * Start JBoss AS
- * Access the app at
-WebLogic 9.2:
- * Install WebLogic 9.2
- * ant weblogic92
- * Start the WebLogic "examples" server
- * Load the admin console
- * Deploy dist-weblogic92/jboss-seam-jpa.war
- * Access the app at
-WebLogic 10.X:
- * Install WebLogic 10.X
- * Create an hsql datasource called 'seam-jpa-ds" (see reference guide)
- * Deploy Weblogics jsf-1.2.war shared library for JSF 1.2 support. (see reference
- * ant weblogic10
- * Start the WebLogic domain you created or the "examples" domain if
- * Load the admin console
- * Deploy dist-weblogic10/jboss-seam-jpa.war
- * Access the app at
- * See Weblogic reference guide chapter for full details.
-WebSphere 6.1:
- * Install and run WebSphere 6.1
- * Set a Websphere web container custom property
"" to true. See Seam
reference guide chapter for details.
- * Set a Websphere web container custom property "prependSlashToResource" to
true. See Seam reference guide chapter for details.
- * ant websphere61
- * Deploy dist-websphere61/jboss-seam-jpa.war and specify a context_root
- * From the "Enterprise Applications" list select: "jboss-seam-jpa"
--> "Manager Modules" --> "jboss-seam-jpa.war" -->
"Classes loaded with application class loader first", and then Apply
- * Start the application
- * Access it at
-Tomcat with JBoss Embedded:
- * Install Tomcat
- * Install JBoss Embedded
- * ant jboss-embedded
- * Deploy dist-jboss-embedded/jboss-seam-jpa.war
- * Start Tomcat
- * Access the app at
-Tomcat (5.5 or 6) without JBoss Embedded:
- * Install Tomcat
- * Copy the seam-gen/lib/hsqldb.jar into $TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib (Tomcat 5.5) or
$TOMCAT_HOME/lib (Tomcat 6)
- * ant tomcat55 or ant tomcat6
- * Deploy dist-jboss/jboss-seam-jpa.war
- * Start Tomcat
- * Access the app at
- * Install Glassfish V2
- * ant glassfish
- * Start GlassFish
- * Load the admin console
- * Deploy dist-glassfish/jboss-seam-jpa.war as Web App
- * Access the app at
- In order for the app to work out of the box with Glassfish, we have
- used the Derby (i.e., Java DB) database in Glassfish. However,
- we strongly recommend you to use a non-Derby data source (e.g., HSQL
- is a much better embeded DB) if possible. The
- WEB/classes/GlassfishDerbyDialect.class is a special hack to get around
- a Derby bug in Glassfish TM. You must use it as your Hibernate dialect
- if you use Derby with Glassfish.
+ * ant jboss.undeploy to undeploy example
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Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/portal/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/portal/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/portal/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -3,4 +3,6 @@
Seam is compatible with the portlet environment through the use of the JBoss
Portlet Bridge. More information can be found at
\ No newline at end of file
+Note: Seam integration with JBoss Portlet Bridge is marked as Technology Preview -
Support is not guaranteed.
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Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -21,28 +21,17 @@
dvdstore/ The Seam DVD Store demo demonstrating jBPM
support in Seam
-groovybooking/ The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy
+groovybooking/ The Seam Booking demo ported to Groovy - Technology Preview
(Support is not guaranteed)
hibernate/ The Seam Booking demo ported to Hibernate3
icefaces/ The Seam Booking demo with ICEfaces, instead of
- Ajax4JSF
+ Ajax4JSF - Technology Preview (Support is not guaranteed)
itext/ A demo of the Seam iText integration for generating pdfs
-jee5/booking The Seam Booking demo ported to the Java EE 5
- platforms
+jpa/ An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate)
-jee5/remoting The Seam remoting helloworld demo ported to the Java EE 5
- platforms
-jpa/ An example of the use of JPA (provided by Hibernate), runs
- on many platforms, including non-EE 5 platforms (including
- plain Tomcat)
-mail/ The Seam mail example demonstrating use of
- facelets-based email templating
messages/ The Seam message list example demonstrating use
of the @DataModel annotation
@@ -59,7 +48,7 @@
remoting/chatroom/ The Seam Chat Room example, demostrating Seam
-remoting/gwt/ An example of using GWT with Seam remoting
+remoting/gwt/ An example of using GWT with Seam remoting - Technology Preview
(Support is not guaranteed)
remoting/helloworld/ A trivial example using Ajax
@@ -75,18 +64,14 @@
seamspace/ The Seam Spaces demo demonstrating Seam
-spring/ Demonstrates Spring framework integration
+spring/ Demonstrates Spring framework integration - Technology Preview
(Support is not guaranteed)
todo/ The Seam todo list example demonstrating
jBPM business process management
ui/ Demonstrates some Seam JSF controls
-wiki/ A fully featured wiki system based on Seam, please
- read wiki/README.txt for installation instructions
Deploying and Testing an Example Application
@@ -121,42 +106,8 @@
NOTE: The examples use the HSQL database embedded in JBoss AS
-How to Build and Deploy the Example on Tomcat
-1. Download and install Tomcat 6
- NOTE: Due to a bug, you must install Tomcat to a directory
- path with no spaces. The example does not work in a default
- install of Tomcat.
-2. Install Embedded JBoss as described in the "Configuration" chapter of the
- Seam reerence documentation.
-3. Make sure you have an up to date version of Seam:
-4. Edit the "" file and change tomcat.home to your
- Tomcat directory
-5. (Optional) Build Seam by running "ant" the Seam root directory
- WARNING: If you build an example for JBoss AS, remember to run ant clean
- in the "examples/${}" directory before building for Tomcat.
-6. Build and deploy the example by running "ant tomcat.deploy"
- in the Seam "examples/${}" directory
-7. Start Tomcat
-8. Point your web browser to:
Running The TestNG Tests
@@ -187,3 +138,4 @@
In the "examples/${}" directory, type "ant undeploy"
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/remoting/gwt/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/remoting/gwt/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/remoting/gwt/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev
@@ -12,4 +12,5 @@
- you can then run "ant gwt-compile" from this directory. It is pre-built by
If you want to use the GWT hosted mode, well, read all about it from the GWT docs !
-Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
+Note: Example and the whole Seam integration with GWT is marked as Technology Preview -
Support is not guaranteed.
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Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/seambay/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/seambay/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/seambay/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
SeamBay Example
This example shows Seam/WS integration.
-It runs on both JBoss AS
+It runs on JBoss AS
http://localhost:8080/seam-bay on JBoss AS
http://localhost:8080/jboss-seam-bay on Tomcat
\ No newline at end of file
http://localhost:8080/seam-bay on JBoss AS
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/spring/readme.txt
--- branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/spring/readme.txt 2008-06-07 09:40:12 UTC (rev 8349)
+++ branches/Seam_2_0_FP/examples/spring/readme.txt 2008-06-09 13:04:24 UTC (rev 8350)
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
To undeploy the example from JBoss AS use ant jbosswar.undeploy
-Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
\ No newline at end of file
+Note: there is no testng suite for this example.
+Note: Example and the whole Seam integration with Spring is marked as Technology Preview
- Support is not guaranteed.
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