Author: shane.bryzak(a)
Date: 2009-12-06 18:00:19 -0500 (Sun, 06 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 11763
references should be model scoped
Modified: modules/remoting/trunk/src/main/resources/org/jboss/seam/remoting/remote.js
--- modules/remoting/trunk/src/main/resources/org/jboss/seam/remoting/remote.js 2009-12-06
22:13:38 UTC (rev 11762)
+++ modules/remoting/trunk/src/main/resources/org/jboss/seam/remoting/remote.js 2009-12-06
23:00:19 UTC (rev 11763)
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
var v = new b[i];
if (arguments.length > 1) {
v.__qualifiers = new Array();
- for (var j = 1; j < arguments.length; j++) {
+ for (var j = 1; j < arguments.length; j++) {
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
var sid = null;
if (url.indexOf(';jsessionid=') >= 0) {
var qpos = url.indexOf('?');
- sid = url.substring(url.indexOf(';jsessionid=') + 12, qpos >= 0 ? qpos :
+ sid = url.substring(url.indexOf(';jsessionid=') + 12, qpos >= 0 ? qpos :
return sid;
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId =
Seam.Remoting.type = new Object(); // namespace
-Seam.Remoting.types = new Array();
+Seam.Remoting.types = new Array();
Seam.Remoting.debug = false;
Seam.Remoting.debugWindow = null;
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
Seam.Remoting.createNamespace = function(namespace) {
var p = namespace.split(".");
var b = Seam.Remoting.type;
for(var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
if (typeof b[p[i]] == "undefined") b[p[i]] = new Object();
b = b[p[i]];
@@ -354,18 +354,18 @@
var callId = "" + Seam.Remoting.__callId++;
if (!callback) callback = component.__callback[methodName];
- var d = "<call id=\"" + callId + "\">\n";
+ var d = "<call id=\"" + callId + "\">\n";
d += "<target>" + Seam.Remoting.getBeanType(component).__name +
if (component.__qualifiers != null) {
- d += "<qualifiers>";
+ d += "<qualifiers>";
for (var i = 0; i < component.__qualifiers.length; i++) {
d += component.__qualifiers[i];
if (i < component.__qualifiers.length - 1) data += ",";
d += "</qualifiers>";
d += "<method>" + methodName + "</method>";
d += "<params>";
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@
Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest = function(envelope, path, callback, silent)
Seam.Remoting.log("Request packet:\n" + envelope);
- if (!silent) Seam.Remoting.displayLoadingMessage();
+ if (!silent) Seam.Remoting.displayLoadingMessage();
var r;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
r = new XMLHttpRequest();
@@ -479,21 +479,21 @@
r.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (r.readyState == 4) {
- var inScope = typeof(Seam) == "undefined" ? false : true;
+ var inScope = typeof(Seam) == "undefined" ? false : true;
if (inScope) Seam.Remoting.hideLoadingMessage();
if (r.status == 200) {
// We do this to avoid a memory leak
window.setTimeout(function() {
r.onreadystatechange = function() {};
- }, 0);
+ }, 0);
if (inScope) Seam.Remoting.log("Response packet:\n" + r.responseText);
if (callback) {
// The following code deals with a Firefox security issue. It reparses the
// response if accessing the documentElement throws an exception
- try {
+ try {
@@ -508,27 +508,27 @@
catch (e) {
// If that fails, use standards
var parser = new DOMParser();
- callback(parser.parseFromString(r.responseText, "text/xml"));
+ callback(parser.parseFromString(r.responseText, "text/xml"));
- }
+ }
else {
- }
+ }
if (Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId) {
path += ';jsessionid=' + Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId;
+"POST", Seam.Remoting.resourcePath + path, true);
Seam.Remoting.displayError = function(code) {
- alert("There was an error processing your request. Error code: " + code);
+ alert("There was an error processing your request. Error code: " + code);
Seam.Remoting.setCallback = function(component, methodName, callback) {
@@ -539,8 +539,8 @@
var headerNode;
var bodyNode;
var inScope = typeof(Seam) == "undefined" ? false : true;
- if (!inScope) return;
+ if (!inScope) return;
var context = new Seam.Remoting.__Context;
if (doc.documentElement) {
@@ -604,12 +604,12 @@
for (var i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
var tag = c.item(i).tagName;
if (tag == "message")
- msgNode = c.item(i);
+ msgNode = c.item(i);
var msg = Seam.Remoting.unmarshalValue(msgNode.firstChild);
var ex = new Seam.Remoting.Exception(msg);
- call.exceptionHandler(ex);
+ call.exceptionHandler(ex);
else {
var refs = new Array();
@@ -764,27 +764,27 @@
this.method = null;
this.params = new Array();
this.expression = null;
Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.setBeanType = function(beanType) {
this.beanType = beanType;
return this;
Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.setQualifiers = function(qualifiers) {
this.qualifiers = qualifiers;
return this;
- Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.setMethod = function(method) {
+ Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.setMethod = function(method) {
this.method = method;
return this;
Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.addParam = function(param) {
return this;
Seam.Remoting.Action.prototype.setExpression = function(expr) {
this.expression = expr;
return this;
@@ -794,34 +794,34 @@
Seam.Remoting.Model = function() {
this.expressions = new Array();
this.beans = new Array();
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.addExpression = function(alias, expr) {
this.expressions.push({alias: alias, expr: expr});
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.addBean = function(alias, bean, property) {
var q = null;
if (arguments.length > 3) {
q = new Array();
- for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i++) {
this.beans.push({alias: alias, bean: bean, property: property, qualifiers: q});
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.fetch = function(action) {
var r = this.createFetchRequest(action);
var env = Seam.Remoting.createEnvelope(Seam.Remoting.createHeader(),;
Seam.Remoting.pendingCalls.put(, r);
- Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest(env, Seam.Remoting.PATH_MODEL,
this.processFetchResponse, false);
+ Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest(env, Seam.Remoting.PATH_MODEL,
this.processFetchResponse, false);
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.createFetchRequest = function(a) { // a = action
var callId = "" + Seam.Remoting.__callId++;
var d = "<model operation=\"fetch\" callId=\"" + callId +
var refs = new Array();
if (a) {
d += "<action>";
if (a.beanType) {
@@ -834,13 +834,22 @@
d += "<param>" + Seam.Remoting.serializeValue(a.params[i],
null, refs) + "</param>";
d += "</params>";
- }
+ }
+ if (refs.length > 0) {
+ d += "<refs>";
+ for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
+ d += "<ref id=\"" + i + "\">";
+ d += Seam.Remoting.serializeType(refs[i], refs);
+ d += "</ref>";
+ }
+ d += "</refs>";
+ }
else if (a.expression) {
d += "<target>" + a.expression + "</target>";
d += "</action>";
- }
+ }
if (this.beans.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.beans.length; i++) {
var b = this.beans[i];
@@ -849,41 +858,32 @@
d += "<qualifiers>";
for (var j = 0; j < b.qualifiers.length; j++) {
d += (j > 0 ? "," : "") + b.qualifiers[j];
- }
+ }
d += "</qualifiers>";
- d += "<property>" + +
+ d += "<property>" + +
- }
+ }
if (this.expressions.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.expressions.length; i++) {
var e = this.expressions[i];
d += "<expression alias=\"" + e.alias + "\">"
+ e.expr + "</expression>";
- }
- }
- if (refs.length > 0) {
- d += "<refs>";
- for (var i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
- d += "<ref id=\"" + i + "\">";
- d += Seam.Remoting.serializeType(refs[i], refs);
- d += "</ref>";
- d += "</refs>";
- d += "</model>";
+ d += "</model>";
return {data: d, id: callId};
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.processFetchResponse = function(doc) {
- }
+ }
Seam.Remoting.Model.prototype.applyUpdates = function(action) {
- }
+ }
/* Messaging API */