Move WildFly container image to organization
by Jeff Mesnil
Some weeks ago, I opened an issue to move our docker/container image to the wildfly organization in GitHub (instead of the current jboss-dockerfiles organization).
This transfer of project would have no user impact (images will continue to be published on registry) but will simplify the maintenance of the project (with maintainers that are already in the wildfly organization).
It will also simplify the integration of the image documentation on
It will have a little impact on the GitHub actions quota but this is a low activity project with few PRs opened at any given time.
One thing that will have to change is the name of the project (wildfly is already taken by WildFly :) The suggestion with the most votes is <>. Again, this has no user impact on the name of the images published in Quay <>.
I’m planning to do this move in a few weeks but I want to make sure that any questions/concerns can be addressed before we push the transfer button.
If you have any feedback, please reply to the issue[1].
Jeff Mesnil
Engineer @ Red Hat
3 weeks, 4 days
WildFly 35 is released!
by Brian Stansberry
WildFly 35.0.0.Final is now available at and
in Maven. We've added support for MicroProfile 7.0, brought Jakarta Data to
standard WildFly, improved our systemd support, added Vert.x configurability
and more! For all the details, see
Great work, everyone!
Best regards,
Brian Stansberry
Principal Architect, Red Hat JBoss EAP
WildFly Project Lead
4 weeks