Related to that - how does this fit with capabilities and
Could other subsystems register their own job repository or does this
all need to happen within the batch subsystem?
That's an interesting idea I
hadn't thought of. It should work though as
I am using a dynamic capability for the job repository.
On 07/07/15 03:31, Cheng Fang wrote:
> How does it support adding new types of job repository (e.g., infinispan
> job repository) in the future?
> Cheng
> On 7/6/15 3:13 PM, James R. Perkins wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> The past couple weeks I've been working on basically a redo of the batch
>> subsystem. Almost the entire management model is changing to hopefully
>> make it more user friendly.
>> In WildFly 8 and WildFly 9 the model looked like the following:
>> {
>> "job-repository-type" => "in-memory",
>> "job-repository" => {"jdbc" =>
{"jndi-name" => undefined}},
>> "thread-factory" => undefined,
>> "thread-pool" => {"batch" => {
>> "keepalive-time" => {
>> "time" => 30L,
>> "unit" => "SECONDS"
>> },
>> "max-threads" => 10,
>> "name" => "batch",
>> "thread-factory" => undefined
>> }}
>> }
>> The job-repository-type could either be jdcb or in-memory. The jndi-name
>> attribute on the single job-repository=jdbc resource could be undefined
>> indicating the default data-source should be used or JNDI name to look
>> up the data-source with no validation being done until the user actually
>> tries to deploy a batch deployment.
>> The thread-pool and thread-factory are the same as other resources that
>> use the thread "subsystem" shared resources.
>> As you can see it's not very intuitive and somewhat clumsy to say the
>> least. Only a single job-repository could be defined which isn't great
>> for multiple deployments.
>> In WildFly 10 the model, at least currently, will look like:
>> {
>> "default-job-repository" => "default",
>> "in-memory-job-repository" => {"default" =>
>> "jdbc-job-repository" => {"jdbc" =>
{"data-source" => "ExampleDS"}},
>> "thread-factory" => undefined,
>> "thread-pool" => {"batch" => {
>> "active-count" => 0,
>> "completed-task-count" => 0L,
>> "current-thread-count" => 0,
>> "keepalive-time" => {
>> "time" => 30L,
>> "unit" => "SECONDS"
>> },
>> "largest-thread-count" => 0,
>> "max-threads" => 10,
>> "name" => "batch",
>> "queue-size" => 0,
>> "rejected-count" => 0,
>> "task-count" => 0L,
>> "thread-factory" => undefined
>> }}
>> }
>> The default-job-repository will be an attribute similar to the previous
>> job-repository attribute. The difference being you can use any named
>> in-memory-job-repository or jdbc-job-repository. You can have any number
>> of in-memory or JDBC job repositories.
>> The data-source attribute value on a jdbc-job-repository resource will
>> use the [1]. The name of the data-source is used
>> instead of the JNDI which is a much cleaner approach.
>> The thread-factory may be removed and the thread-pool may be changed to
>> use attribute groups (once I figure out how to use them :)).
>> As part of this I considered changing the name from batch to
>> batch-jberet. The main concern I had with this was the web console, but
>> I seem to have broken that anyway with the changes to the model. Does
>> anyone have opinions on a name change to batch-jberet?
>> Also parsing an old configuration may have some issues if the user was
>> using a JDBC job repository. I've currently not found a good way to find
>> a data-source resource name based on a JNDI name. I'm not sure if we
>> should just fail when adding a legacy JDBC job repository. Any
>> suggestions here would be helpful.
>> Any comments or concerns in general are welcome. This is our chance to
>> get it right this time.
>> [1]:
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