My complaint with the parallel API is that it makes it too easy. Just 16 characters are
required to do some operation concurrently without thinking about the resource usage
impact and whether or not the task at hand is even beneficial in parallel. So my fear is
it will be over-used and create problems.
His point is basically right that a typical web architecture is structured to support many
simultaneous users, and you therefore need to minimize the resource consumption of each
action in the application. However, there are use-cases where it would make sense, such as
cooperative computational applications.
I think the big problem for us will be if frameworks we consume start making haphazard use
of the platform FJ pool, so once we move to 8 we likely need to audit this area.
On May 28, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Emmanuel Hugonnet <ehugonne(a)> wrote:
Yesterday there was a presentation of the Java8 Stream API at the local JUG.
According to the speaker (Paul Sandoz) parallelism should be disabled in webapps because
"...a machine serving web requests is usually sized/configured to maximize
throughput. If web application code was using parallel streams
then CPU resources would be consumed computing results that could otherwise be used to
serve other web requests. A stream computation
running on a fork/join pool will not block, it will try and go as fast as possible using
as many resources as possible."
What do you think ?
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Jason T. Greene
WildFly Lead / JBoss EAP Platform Architect
JBoss, a division of Red Hat