>> What is the idea behind specifying the complete configuration
>> name (including extension) instead of just the file name ? I think the
>> latter is less verbose.
> You mean why not just bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full ?
> No particular reason. It never occurred to me. Thinking back on it, it
> partly arose because in AS < 7 the -c value was basically a reference to
> a dir name, while in AS7 it's a ref to a file name. The entire structure
> of the AS dist is radically different in AS7. Being more explicit about
> that difference was more important at the time than it is now.
> If bin/standalone.sh -c st<tab complete to
> andalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml> would work I'd be real
> tempted to support that.
This would be really nice, simplicity and intuitiveness go a long way
in better developer experience.
Wonder how that would work together with -Djboss.server.base.dir and/or
-Djboss.server.config.dir [1]. A great potential for confusion I see.