On 10/30/13 9:21 AM, Arun Gupta wrote:
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 7:14 AM, Jeff Mesnil
<jmesnil(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> On 30 Oct 2013, at 15:12, Arun Gupta <arun.gupta(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ah, that might be it.
>> Noob question then ...
>> How do you tell standalone.sh to use standalone-full.xml ?
> standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml
Instead of copy/pasting the command as is, I tried:
./bin/standalone.sh -c standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml
And of course that was incorrect :)
What is the idea behind specifying the complete configuration file
name (including extension) instead of just the file name ? I think the
latter is less verbose.
You mean why not just bin/standalone.sh -c standalone-full ?
No particular reason. It never occurred to me. Thinking back on it, it
partly arose because in AS < 7 the -c value was basically a reference to
a dir name, while in AS7 it's a ref to a file name. The entire structure
of the AS dist is radically different in AS7. Being more explicit about
that difference was more important at the time than it is now.
If bin/standalone.sh -c st<tab complete to
andalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml> would work I'd be real
tempted to support that.
> bear in mind that the standalone.xml corresponds to the Web profile (and JMS is not
part of it) while standalone-full.xml corresponds to the whole EE7 stack.
That I know :)
> jeff
> --
> Jeff Mesnil
> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat