Should the cordova push plugin start the App up if its not started?
by Rob Willett
We’re trying to work out if the Aerogear Cordova push notification
*should* start the app if the app is not started. If the app is in the
background than we get the notification but if the app is not started up
we don’t *seem* to get anything happening.
It seems to work OK when the app is in the foreground or background,
just not when its not started up?
Should it work when the app is not started on both iOS and Android?
9 years
iOS OAuth2 redirect URIs
by Michael Doo
I've managed to integrate the Aerogear iOS OAuth2 library pretty well into
my app for Google accounts. However, for Outlook, their OAuth2 API only
allow two redirect URIs: urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob and HTTPS schemes, e.g.,, to which the authorization code
will be attached. The important bit here is that they do not allow
customization of the redirect URI to be something like
'\(bundleString)://oauth2Callback' or 'fb\(clientId)://authorize/', which
the OAuth2 library seems to need.
The documentation doesn't seem to clearly state how this should or could be
addressed. Since not every OAuth2 provider has allowed iOS bundle names as
valid redirect URIs, it seems to me there should be a way to handle this.
Michael Doo
9 years
Unclear when to use setContentAvailable()
by Rob Willett
We now seem to have something approaching a stable and working UPS
configuration. (Famous last words!) Thanks to the Aerogear team for
helping resolve the background notifications on Android.
As we are tidying up, we noticed (ahem) that we had commented out a few
lines in our code.
if (event['content-available'])
// Still not clear what to do with this.
// push.setContentAvailable(1);
We went back to the Aerogear docs and tried to work out what
setContentAvailable really does and what should we do with it. The docs
for the function call are a little sparse, so we looked at the source
code and we’re still no wiser.
Is there a better explanation of when we should call setContentAvailable
and with which parameter?
Just to set the ball rolling we *think* it could mean that when you
receive the content-available = 1 flag on iOS, we do a call to get some
data from the server ourselves, if the the results of *our* server call
indicate that we have received new data, we set the value to
setContentAvailable to 1, if our function call to the server has no
data, then we set it to zero and if something failed we set it to 2.
So what happens if the value is 0, 1 or 2? if its 2, is a new new call
made to something, if its 0 or 1 what happens?
Apologies if we’ve missed the point of it, but we’re struggling to
understand this.
9 years, 1 month
Mobile SSO - web brower+ native iOS
by jeffpower78
we have a situation where users have applications both html5 based web and
also native iOS apps accessing from iPads
The requirement is that users access the web based application within a
iPad, which will be redirected to central server for login.
Once user logins, next time, if the same user just tap on the native app
within the same device, it should not again prompt for userid/password,
rather SSO takes care of it
We need to design so that users can toggle back and forth among mobile
browser apps and mobile apps.
This is ideal for agents, sales reps, who to need to switch quickly among
programs while on the go.,
Would like to know - is this something aerogear security supports please or
any suggestion, advice?
Thanks and Regards
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9 years, 1 month
OAuth2 session doesn't persist in iOS
by Michael Doo
When integrating the Aerogear iOS OAuth2 library, I'm adding an account
like so:
let googleModule = AccountManager.addGoogleAccount(googleConfig)
In the current session, I can then make calls like
let module = AccountManager.getAccountByName("my_custom_account_name")
and retrieve the module to call requestAccess() on and go on with my day.
However, if I stop the app or restart the device, the following calls to
getAccountByName() returns nil, even when given the same account ID. From
the documentation, it's unclear how to persist accounts in the account
manager across sessions. Do I need to resurrect the session somehow or
reinstantiate it? Or am I missing how AccountManager interacts with the
TrustedPersistantOAuth2Session? My goal is to simply be able to authorize
multiple Gmail accounts and refresh their access tokens when needed. The
AccountManager seemed a good way to do this, but I could be mistaken.
Michael Doo
9 years, 1 month