Hawkular Services 0.0.7.Final released
by Juraci Paixão Kröhling
Hawkular Services 0.0.7.Final has just been released.
This version contains updates for Alerts, Commons, Inventory and Metrics.
As the previous distributions, the Agent has to be configured with an
user. This can be accomplished by:
- Adding an user via bin/add-user.sh like:
./bin/add-user.sh \
-a \
-u <theusername> \
-p <thepassword> \
-g read-write,read-only
- Changing the Agent's credential on standalone.xml to the credentials
from the previous step or by passing hawkular.rest.user /
hawkular.rest.password as system properties (-Dhawkular.rest.user=jdoe)
You can find the release packages, sources and checksums at GitHub, in
addition to Maven:
Shortcuts for the downloads:
Zip - https://git.io/v6Jxg
tar.gz - https://git.io/v6Jpk
- Juca.
hawkular-dev mailing list
8 years, 6 months