Hawkular Alerts has been updated in master.
Given our latest Hawkular convention for versioning, the versioning has
gone backwards. We pushed Version 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT, changed from Version
1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. We maintain snapshot releases for use with Kettle.
But the version has changed to reflect API changes. Going forward we'll
maintain the version of 0.0.1 unless we have an API change, at which
point we'll up the micro-version. Eventually this will settle down and
we can move to versioned components, and avoid breaking API changes.
We've begun supplying developer documentation, here:
What's NEW!
* Alert life-cycle support
o Alerts now support Open, Ack and Resolved states.
o This gives us the ability to store and display full start and
end times for an alerting "event".
* Trigger AutoResolve
o This replaces and builds on the former "trigger safety" feature.
o Optionally provide AutoResolve conditions and dampening to
toggle the Trigger from Firing mode to AutoResolve mode.
o Optionally have a Trigger's alerts set Resolved automatically,
when the trigger's AutoResolve conditions are satisfied.
* Trigger AutoDisable
o Optionally have a Trigger disable itself after firing.
o Mutes a trigger without the need to define AutoResolve.
* Rest Api control of the new features.
* Twilio SMS sender action
* Aerogear sender action
* Performance testing infrastructure
* Improved Rest API documentation
And for Hawkular Kettle!
* Data Filtering
o Only forward relevant metric and availability data for alert
o Remove the metrics and availability not used in any trigger.
And of course several fixes and improvements.
Coming Up:
* Moving the persistence back-end to Cassandra to leverage the Metrics
cluster (soon).
* PagerDuty action integration.
* Integration of the new 0.0.1 features into Hawkular.
Hawkular Alerts Team
Jay Shaughnessy
Lucas Ponce
Thomas Segismont