Re: [jdf-dev] Revised versions
by Pete Muir
Jim has done some very nice work improving our Fork Me ribbons - they are now much smaller, and have a nice hover effect to show people they are clickable.
Please review at
I'll push live in 24h.
On 18 Jun 2012, at 19:36, James Parenti wrote:
> Hi again Pete,
> Okay, here are a set of graphics, along with a sample HTML file, just in case. It occurred to me that the ribbon link, being half-transparent but square-shaped, might be confused for the regular general image link due to the overlap, so I made a rollover version along with a basic image map version. The CSS is included in the test.html file. Also, I swapped the blue ribbon in one image for the green in another. I'll be available today to make additional changes as needed.
> Jim
> ----------------------------------
> James Parenti
> Visuale
> 1800 W. Cornelia Avenue
> Chicago, IL 60657
> P: 773.230.6544
> C: 773.469.8843
> james(a)
12 years, 6 months
Migration: when and what
by Pete Muir
One thing I picked up at Summit was that whilst people really appreciate the migration guides, they also want more advice on when (/whether) they should migrate, and what they should migrate too. We have the story pretty much sorted:
* if you have an app that works, and you want to keep running it on Seam 2.2, then great. We'll support that for X more years on EAP. Stay where you are.
* if you want to stay on Seam 2, but want to take advantage of the new features of Java EE 6, then you can take a look at Seam 2.3, which is currently beta quality. We haven't decided yet whether this will enter the supported product arena.
* if you want to take advantage of Java EE, you need to do a bit of analysis of your app:
** if you have all the features you need in Java EE 6 (and look at TicketMonster, you can achieve a lot!) then migrate to Java EE 6
** if you don't, but you can find them in DeltaSpike, and like living on the edge, then you can take the path of adding DeltaSpike to Java EE 6. But we don't have a well trodden path here, with guides for you to follow
** otherwise, take a look at the jdf roadmap to see when the features you need will enter jdf, will all the goodness of the stack and guides
Comments? I'll get this written up for next week.
12 years, 6 months
Review needed: Contributor guide
by Pete Muir
I've put up. It's a first draft of a unified contributor guide for jdf.
I've included:
* setting up ruby etc. for building stuff
* contributing guidelines
* release process
The things I'm not sure of:
* is the location right (about/contributing, appearing in the About menu)?
* should we embed the relevant bits in examples/get-involved etc.?
* is the level of the info right (conveying relevant info, but not very hand holding)?
* is there content missing that we need.
12 years, 6 months
Inter-module communication
by Pete Muir
One topic that came up repeatedly at JBossWorld was inter-module communication using CDI. Jason came up with good pattern to address this, short term, involving EJB singletons, JNDI, and CDI producer fields. In A.jar, we expose the service using @Singleton. In B.jar, we write an alias using a CDI producer field, that uses JNDI to lookup the EJB reference. This allows us to cleanly declare what should be exposed, will work today, and preseves the CDI programming model on both sides.
I'll write a quickstart for this next week or two.
12 years, 6 months