Hi Pete,
we are going to support CDI in portlets in JPP 6.1. I am trying to find
out what is the best way for customer projects (and the same for our
quickstarts) to depend on javax.enterprise:cdi-api.
cdi-api-1.0-SP4.jar comes packaged in a module javax/enterprise/api/main
with AS/EAP and GateIn depends on this module.
I see several options how customer projects could depend on it in their
POMs but I am not able to decide which one is the best:
(a) There are some POMs managing javax.enterprise:cdi-api version in
http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/spec/ One of those (which?)
could be imported to GateIn BOM.
(b) Manage javax.enterprise:cdi-api version directly in GateIn BOM.
(c) Let customer projects manage javax.enterprise:cdi-api themselves
(a) and (b) seem to be the most comfortable options for customers as
they are supposed to import GateIn BOM into their projects anyway.
(a) seems to be the most comfortable option for me as a maintainer of
GateIn BOM. For this to work, I'd need to know which of those POMs under
org/jboss/spec I should take and I'd need to know the mapping between
AS/EAP version and the chosen POM from org/jboss/spec - is that
documented somewhere?
Are there any reasons not to prefer this option?