Adding JDF-DEV list
Dne 5.6.2014 17:30, Julian Coleman napsal(a):
We have some projects that depend on the developer BOM's (for example, on There seem to be two cases
where this is used:
1) project needs to align with EAP dependencies
2) project builds a BOM that also needs EAP dependencies
I think that for 1), the project could use the supported artifacts BOM, but
for 2), it seems sensible to use the developer-facing BOM, as the project is
itself building a developer-facing BOM.
Because we need to build against the developer BOM's for 2), we'll need them
imported into MEAD. That also means that 1) could use them too, and doesn't
need to change.
However, should we also reference the developer BOM's in some other BOM
(e.g. the IP supported artifacts BOM), so that alignment is automatically
done, or should we add patches to the projects to align them?
Marek Novotny
WFK and Seam Product Lead
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99
612 45 Brno