Oops, this should read 1.1.0.CR2 and 1.1.0.Final
Stuart Douglas wrote:
1.1.Final should be out soon.
Luke Ambrogio wrote:
> Thanks Stuart,
> I think that's exactly what I need, since annotation as you say might
> not be necessary.
> Can you specify which version I would need to include in the pom please?
> Since the one I am using (1.0.14.Final) doesn't seem to include it and
> maven doesn't seem to know about 1.2.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT.
> Cheers
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 2:00 AM, Stuart Douglas<sdouglas(a)redhat.com
> <mailto:sdouglas@redhat.com>> wrote:
> Undertow is intended to be a lightweight web server rather than a
> container, so it does not really have any annotation processing
> facilities built in, however it should be fairly easy to implement
> something similar on top of Undertow.
> Undertow has a handler called io.undertow.server.__RoutingHandler,
> that routes requests based on method and path. If you use this
> handler it should be possible to build a handler chain based on
> annotations on the handler classes.
> Note that you don't want to be using reflection in the handleRequest
> method, as reflection is relatively slow. Instead the best approach
> is to read the annotations and boot time and build up the routing
> map while the server is starting.
> Stuart
> Luke Ambrogio wrote:
> So I've decided to start using Undertow, both as an experiment
> and due
> to the great results it achieved in benchmark tests. And while I
> think
> it's fantastic there's a feature which is either missing or I
> can't find.
> I want to develop a RESTful web service so it's important for me to
> identify which HTTP method is being called. Now I can get this from
> RequestMethod in the HttpServerExchange parameter but if had to
> that for
> every handler that would become tedious.
> My solution, which works but feels wrong, is this:
> Created an annotation interface called HTTPMethod:
> |(a)Retention(RetentionPolicy.__RUNTIME)
> @Target(ElementType.METHOD)
> public @interface HTTPMethod {
> public enum Method {
> }
> Method method() default Method.OTHER;|
> an "abstract" class (which is not abstract):
> |public abstract class RESTfulHandler implements HttpHandler {
> @Override
> public void handleRequest(__HttpServerExchange hse) throws
> Exception {
> for (Method method:
> this.getClass().__getDeclaredMethods()) {
> // if method is annotated with @Test
> if (method.isAnnotationPresent(__HTTPMethod.class)) {
> Annotation annotation=
> method.getAnnotation(__HTTPMethod.class);
> HTTPMethod test= (HTTPMethod) annotation;
> switch (test.method()) {
> case PUT:
> if
> (hse.getRequestMethod().__toString().equals("PUT")) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> break;
> case POST:
> if
> (hse.getRequestMethod().__toString().equals("POST")) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> break;
> case GET:
> if
> (hse.getRequestMethod().__toString().equals("GET")) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> break;
> case DELETE:
> if
> (hse.getRequestMethod().__toString().equals("DELETE")) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> break;
> case OTHER:
> if
> (hse.getRequestMethod().__toString().equals("OTHER")) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> break;
> }
> if (test.method() == HTTPMethod.Method.PUT) {
> method.invoke(this);
> }
> }
> }
> }|
> }
> and an implementation of both the above:
> |public class ItemHandler extends RESTfulHandler{
> @HTTPMethod(method=GET)
> public void getAllItems()
> {
> System.out.println("GET");
> }
> @HTTPMethod(method=POST)
> public void addItem()
> {
> System.out.println("POST");
> }
> @HTTPMethod
> public void doNothing()
> {
> System.out.println("OTHERS");
> }|
> }
> Now as I said, it works, but I'm sure that the abstract class
> and it's
> implementation have something missing so that they glue
> correctly. So my
> question is two fold:
> 1) Is there a better / proper way to filter HTTP requests in
> Undertow?
> 2) What is the correct way of using annotations correctly
> correctly in
> the above case?
> Thanks
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