On 12/17/2013 10:43 AM, Anil Saldhana wrote:
On 12/17/2013 01:38 AM, Stuart Douglas wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Anil Saldhana" <Anil.Saldhana(a)redhat.com>
>> To: undertow-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
>> Sent: Monday, 16 December, 2013 4:41:32 PM
>> Subject: Re: [undertow-dev] AuthenticationMechanism lifecycle
>> Right now, I just have a junit test. I set the auth mechanism factory
>> in the deployment info.
>> di.addAuthenticationMechanism("FORM" ,
>> SPFormAuthenticationMechanism.FACTORY);
>> Irrespective of how it is added, when the deployment start happens,
>> undertow should try to start
>> the authentication mechanisms by providing a handle to the servlet
>> context. The authentication mechanism
>> may need to read deployment descriptors or set up internal resources.
> The ServletExtension already has a reference to the ServletContext, you can just pass
it in to your factory.
> I guess this is another argument against using the factory, vs just creating it in
the ServletExtension.
Unfortunately my unit tests run in junit. I cannot integrate the
ServletExtension mechanism which is
a wildfly based integration usecase. If PicketLink SAML SSO has to
integrate with Undertow, the unit
tests have to run in JUnit like we do with Tomcat and Jetty.
Do you have goals for Undertow to be a standalone web container (like
jetty) or it is just a web container
usable in Wildfly?
I already use Undertow in unit tests. I'm also planning on swapping out
the embedded container we use to test Resteasy in favor of Undertow.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat