Unfortunately at the moment this is enabled via a management op, or
into standalone.xml (this actually allows you to control which development mode features
you want).
What about if I did something like:
<development-mode enabled="${jboss.development.mode:false}" />
And had that in the default config, this would allow you to effectively set this via a -D
option on the command line?
> >In Wildfly upstream I am introducing a 'development
mode' flag (it is
> >actually in Alpha3 as well, but I am going to change how it is represented
> >in the model).
> >Basically the idea with this is that when this flag is set the server
> >behaves in a way that is much more developer friendly, but is not suitable
> >for production use. So far the changes are:
> >
> >- Set JSP development mode
> Great - so this means Wildfly will recompile .jsp files when changed, correct
> ? Anything else ?
Nope, this is just the existing JSP development mode setting, its just that it will all be
controlled by 1 flag now.
dammn - any plans on allowing jsp files to be recompiled when changed ?
Do you think it would be useful to display additional information in
these pages like session contents, request contents etc, sort of like the old seam 2 debug
I think so yes, if it doesn't adds too much overhead (note, I assume you mean on the
exception pages, not on every page?)
> >- Disable caching so file changes are picked up straight
> Okey - haven't really noticed caching happening in the past though (except
> when VFS was put in front of seam ear's in AS5 days).
Without this Undertow will cache static resources by default, so if you modify a html page
it will not be picked up. We don't check for changes because checking the file
timestamp is actually quite a slow operation.
yikes - didn't realize undertow would do caching that way....:/
does this mean all content is actually copied somewhere or is just a inmemory cache ?
All of the incremental development stuff we got relies on the server not caching when
things are deployed exploded.
Actually think some customers uses that feature (doesn't make it right, just saying
its probably used more than you would hope ;)
> >- Optionally persist session information across redeployments
(still needs a
> >little bit of work), which should prevent a developer from having to re-log
> >in every time they redeploy.
> AWESOME x infinity!
At the moment this only works across redeploys, not restarts, although I should have it
working for both fairly soon.
redeploys is the most relevant one for dev mode i would think - but across restarts would
for sure be a nice bonus ;)
> >I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for other features we could add to
> >make development easier?
> JSF/facelets have a development mode too if I recall? maybe that makes sense
> too ?
> /max