Thanks Stuart. I need to avoid annotations since this will be configured
dynamically. I was wrong about the version, right now i'm on 2.0.9.Final.
I'm trying to create a websocket proxy. I was able to get the
ReceiveListener registered in Undertow and create a WebSocketClient. I'm
trying to pipe the data from the client through Undertow to the server,
starting with a Text message:
protected void onText(WebSocketChannel webSocketChannel,
StreamSourceFrameChannel messageChannel)
throws IOException {
PooledByteBuffer b = pool.allocate();
ByteBuffer buffer = b.getBuffer();
while ( > 0) {
WebSockets.sendText(buffer, wsClient, null);
The message sent to the downstream websocket server isn't right though (and
the server rejects it). The frame from wireshark just shows a buffer of
"\000\000...". I think I'm close but I don't see an example of how to
this. Any suggestions or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Marc Boorshtein
On Thu, Nov 29, 2018 at 5:07 PM Stuart Douglas <sdouglas(a)> wrote:
The easiest way would probably be to use the JSR-356 API. You
just make an @ServerEndpoint that connects to the remote endpoint, and then
passes messages back and forth. The JSRWebSocketServer gives and example of
how to setup the server endpoint.
On Fri, Nov 30, 2018 at 8:34 AM Marc Boorshtein <
marc.boorshtein(a)> wrote:
> Using the 1.4 series, I'm trying to handle upgrade and websockets.
> Looking at a few examples and the code I think what I need to do is:
> 1. add the WebSocketServlet to the right path
> 2. implement WebSocketConnectionCallback that will call my remote ws://
> server
> Am I on the right track? I haven't found an example of doing this with
> undertow but found something similar with jetty (
> but I havne't found the same thing for undertow so any pointers would be
> appreciated.
> Thanks
> Marc Boorshtein
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