The SAML Aunthentication Mechanism will probably be an
extension of FORM authentication mechanism which will deal
with save/restore requests. But at this time, I am looking for ways
to inject my authentication mechanism. It may be a bit early for this
discussion to happen. But it needs to happen considering the next
wildfly release will be all undertow.
We have tons of users who use SAML stack. And if we do not have
that taken care of in the picketlink upgrade, the users will be mad
On 04/25/2013 03:13 AM, Darran Lofthouse wrote:
If you are looking to implement a mechanism one thing that would be very
useful would be to identify any additional requirements on the IDM
As I said on the other thread this interface is still very much evolving
- the Digest side is still to be updated but it would be good to verify
if we can cover your saml case with the existing interface or if
additional methods are needed.
FYI I need to define what it will look like yet but for Digest we may
also switch to a DigestCredential approach like PicketLink IDM with the
Credential being used to pass information to the IDM implementation and
receive some values back. The SAML approach may just be a case of
needing an additional custom Credential.
Darran Lofthouse.
On 24/04/13 20:09, Anil Saldhana wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to figure out how to set up the authentication mechanisms
> in undertow. If I write an authentication mechanism involving saml, how
> do I make the web apps using that mechanism.
> Any links to test cases.
> Regards,
> Anil