Thanks for looking - how does it look now? This is actually what I had
beforehand at some point. Now it uses a lambda statement to dispatch to
the handler method on a worker thread.
On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 5:40 AM, peter royal <peter.royal(a)> wrote:
You are blocking the IO thread in each of your handlers.
When each handler is a class, you can do:
if( exchange.isInIoThread()) {
but since you are using lambda's, that won't work. In this case, you might
want to just pass a Runnable to exchange.dispatch()
that will put you on a worker pool thread where it is safe to block on the
Await.result call.
an alternate (but lacking the timeout option) method I use is to leverage
the JDK8 CompletableFuture and use .thenAccept / .exceptionally to return
the response when available.
On 2015-08-29 21:00, Steve Logue wrote:
Hi Folks, I'm definitely new to Undertow and super impressed with it.
However the docs are a bit thin in regards to using the RoutingHandler and
doing full async processing. May I ask for a quick check of my approach to
using Undertow and trying not to block anywhere:
undertow-dev mailing list
(peter.royal|osi)(a) -