Hi Guys,
So I have just been thinking about the low level web socket API, and
basically I think it should look something like:
class WebSocketChannel {
* Async receive, returns null if no frame is ready. Otherwise
returns a channel that can be used to read the frame contents.
StreamSourceFrameChannel receive();
* Returns a new frame channel for sending. If this is called
multiple times subsequent channels will not be writable until all
previous frame have been completed.
StreamSinkFrameChannel send();
* Lister to call when a new frame is ready
ChannelListener.Setter<? extends WebSocketChannel> getReceiveSetter();
ChannelListener.Setter<? extends WebSocketChannel> getCloseSetter();
Basically once the connection is established, this channel can be used
to get FrameChannels to send and receive frames. A FrameChannel will act
like a normal Source/Sink Channel, however with some extra methods for
determining the type of frame.
the undertow integration will consist of a handler that performs the
initial handshake, and set up the connection. Once the handler has
creates this WebSocketChannel, it hands it off to the user (the user
will register a ChannelListener with the handler for this purpose), and
this is where Undertow core stops having anything to do with the
connection, and the web socket library takes over.
All higher level web socket functionality will be based on this low
level API.