Hi team,
I am trying to have a situation like this:
Path A - response is gzipped,
Path B - response is *not* gzipped.
But from extensive searching, I could only figure out a way to make all
paths as gzipped response.
For example:
Undertow.builder().addHttpListener(8080, "localhost").setHandler(new
EncodingHandler(new ContentEncodingRepository().addEncodingHandler(
new GzipEncodingProvider(),
.addPrefixPath("/pathA", pathA::handle)
.addPrefixPath("/pathB", pathAB::handle
will make both Path A and Path B as gzip encoded response.
Any way to make only 1 of them give gzipped response?
Girish Sharma
B.Tech(H), Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur