It looks like this issue would be cause by your use of the PathHandler,
rather than changing to a new ServletContainer (there should be no real
difference between using your own and using the default).
In your Servlet deployment are your JAX-RS handlers mapped under /api?
If so you are then adding another /api to the path, so the resulting path
end up being
http://localhost:8080/api/api/example. If you omit the path
handler (or register this deployment under '/', if you still want to be
able to have other deployments registered under different contexts) then it
should work.
Yes, I registered the deployment under "/api" and assigned the jax-rs
application path to have a mapping of "/api" -- I for some reason thought
the assignments would overlap, rather than chain. As a follow-up, I do want
to set another handler, specifically:
setHandler(resource(new FileResourceManager(new File("resources/"), 100)).
Does it matter in which order handlers are set? Is it fine to use a
relative path to the "resources" folder which is found under
Or is there another recommended way? Thanks.