The Undertow HTTP client was designed to be used in the reverse proxy, not so much as a
general purpose HTTP client.
The only real example of how to use it is at
io.undertow.server.handlers.proxy.ProxyHandler, where it is used in the reverse proxy.
It supports HTTP, AJP, SPDY and the current draft of HTTP2.
It is 100% non-blocking and not thread safe, for the most part interaction with the client
should be done in the IO thread of the connection. There has been some talk about adding a
blocking/thread safe wrapper at some stage.
The basic way that it is used is:
- Connect to the remote host
- Create a ClientRequest object and populate it with headers etc
- Call ClientConnection.sendRequest with your request and a callback. When the connection
is ready to send your request the callback will be invoked
- If you want a request body use ClientExchange.getRequestChannel() to get a channel to
use for sending
- ClientExchange.setResponseListener() is used to register a listener to be notified of a
response (you can also set handlers for HTTP 101 continue and server push events)
- Once the response listener has been invoked you can get the client response from the
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Simansky" <dsimansk(a)>
To: undertow-dev(a)
Sent: Tuesday, 16 December, 2014 1:32:44 AM
Subject: [undertow-dev] Undertow http client
Hi all,
I have a question regarding Undertow http client. I would like to achieve
something similar to what jetty http client or apache http clients can do.
Pretty much just send out http requests with different kind of
method(+possibly include payload). The question is, if the undertow client
classes are meant to be used that way because my google search haven't found
any example of usage like that. Is there any convenient way I could go for?
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