AeroGear unified push notification
by Walto, David
Hi, I a new AeroGear unified push notification user. I am trying to create a simple push notification from a WebSphere java application.
I have created a couple of push notification classes to test (below) and both version I get the error:
SenderClient E Send did not succeed: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 64
I have the following jars for this application.
Any direction how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
David Walto
Senior Application Engineer | EMR Engineering and Integration
Baystate Health | Information & Technology
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7 years, 4 months
Unified push server development environment setup
by mo
I'm trying to run the unified push server in a development environment to
troubleshoot and understand it better. I'm wondering if there is any
documentation available to assist me with setting up development environment
for it. I've looked though documents under "Contributing to AeroGear", but
I am in need of a more detailed guide. I'd like to get to a point where I
can run unified push, break point, and inspect variables, and so on.
So far I've managed to run 'mvn test' successfully on the unified push
server source code. I use Eclipse, so I wanted to import the project. I
get quite a lot of errors in doing so.
I am troubleshooting version 1.0.2. We use OpenShift to deploy the aerogear
I appreciate any help. Thank you.
Michi Oshima
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8 years, 3 months
categories have been hijacked
by Kelvin Lunsford
Setting "categories" in the push payload was working for android and ios in cordova push plugin 1.1.1.
For version 2.0.2 "categories" only works for ios.
It looks like "categories" is being hijacked in android for a GCM feature called "topics".
I liked "categories". I was using it. Now it's gone. GCM topics is not a drop-in replacement. It's not the same thing.
New features should get new names and new commands.
- Kelvin
8 years, 3 months
Aerogear Plugin issue - Notification opened metric
by Prasad, Ganesh
We were testing the usage of notification opened metric and our application is Cordova based
pushConfig: {
'pushServerURL': 'url',
'alias': 'app name',
'sendMetricInfo': 'true',
Below are the observation
1. Clicking on the push notification while the app is in the background increments the opened count
2. If the app is completely shut down, on receiving push notification :
* Clicking on the push notification starts the app but does not increment the opened count
Is there any fix available for #2 ?
8 years, 4 months
Wildfly port change and Internet requests
by Christopher Fahey
Hopefully someone can help me. I want to progress to the next step of
development by configuring our server to handle requests from over the
internet. Currently the server is only handling internal lan requests
but it is somewhat limiting. The port number of 8080 is not an
available port number for our IP address through the firewall so I
changed the Wildfly port number to 8623 and altered the firewall
accordingly. I can still access the AeroGear server on the local lan
IP using the new port number and I can access the Wildfly server over
the internet on port 8623 but when I try to access the application on
the port over the internet, I receive an error "Internal Server Error".
Does anyone know why I am receiving this error and how to fix it? I am
familiar with Tomcat but clueless about Wildfly and even more so on how
AeroGear works within Wildfly. Any help is appreciated.
Christopher Fahey
Christopher Fahey
DealerRewards, Inc.
Maryland Branch Office
(410) 924-3185
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have monitored, please send it using regular postal services to the
address listed on our website.
8 years, 5 months
Aerogear issue for project creation - Push plugin
by Prasad, Ganesh
n Aerogear Push, while project creation:
After executing following 5 basic commands, build fails with following error:
1. >cordova create MyApp
2. >cd MyCrdvaApp
3. >cordova platform add android
4. >cordova plugin add
5. >cordova build android
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* Where:
Script '~\WKSPS\MyCrdvaApp\platforms\android\aerogear-cordova-push\hellocordova-dependencies.gradle' line: 15
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'android'.
> Failed to apply plugin [id '']
> Plugin with id '' not found.
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Total time: 4.376 secs
8 years, 5 months
Latin Characters in Push Notification
by LinkZ
Hi Folks,
I am trying to send push notifications using following code...
"curl -u "XXXXXXXXXXXX" -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type:
application/json;charset=UTF-8" -X POST -d '{"alias" : ["12345678912"],
"ttl" : 3600, "message": { "alert":"Do it faça.", "sound":"default",
"badge":0, "idNotificacao":1}}'
*My Handler:*
public class NotificationBarMessageHandler implements MessageHandler {
public static final int NOTIFICATION_ID = 1;
private Context context;
public static final NotificationBarMessageHandler instance = new
public NotificationBarMessageHandler() {
public void onMessage(Context context, Bundle bundle) {
this.context = context;
//Here I get the message without latin character.
//message = "Do it faa".
String message = bundle.getString(UnifiedPushMessage.ALERT_KEY);
NFPApplication application = (NFPApplication)
<action android:name="" />
<action android:name=""
<category android:name="br.empresa.cliente.projeto" />
When the message is in English, latin charset, everything works. However,
when I try other languages or the character ç, they are deleted from the
Note: When I test the iPhone everything works fine, but when I test on
Android have this problem to the same message.
It's encoded in utf-8, my database is MySQL deployed on a Linux server.
Thanks in advance.
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8 years, 5 months
UnifiedPush Go Sender Library
by Sebastien Blanc
Hi folk,
A few days ago I started to play with Go and the result of that is a small
Sender Library for the UnifiedPush Server :
Usage is pretty simple :
criteria := &Criteria{Alias: []string{"seb", "bob"}}message :=
&Message{Alert: "hello from #golang sender"}unifiedMessage :=
&UnifiedMessage{Message: *message, Criteria: *criteria}settings :=
URL: "",
ApplicationID: "58f87fb7-829c-4c6f-a0eb-326d3017a94c",
MasterSecret: "3366736b-d52c-4115-87d3-c08095e87955"}sender :=
Since, I'm a newbie on Go, PRs are mote than welcome to polish the code or
remove any anti-Go-patterns I could have used ;)
I still need to implement Proxy and Truststore support and add more test
but I think it's a good start.
8 years, 5 months
Android push application crashed
by gprasad
Android app crashed when clicking on received push message, stack trace
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt
to invoke interface method 'int java.util.Map.size()' on a null object
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
E/AndroidRuntime(11239): at
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8 years, 5 months