Meeting Minutes - 2014-04-16
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:53:32 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Forge 2 Status (gastaldi, 14:56:28)
* Next version is Forge 2.5.0.Final (gastaldi, 14:57:05)
* Forge 2.5.0.Final will be released on April 23rd, 2014 (gastaldi,
* Interns introduction (gastaldi, 15:04:54)
* big welcome to sbain and …
[View More]mbriskar (gastaldi, 15:05:33)
* mbriskar worked with the Weld team. He is helping us with our daily
tasks and may be a future Red Hatter (gastaldi, 15:08:03)
* sbain is an intern referenced by Paul Robinson and it's working in
the IntelliJ integration as his scholarship thesis (gastaldi,
* Future plans (gastaldi, 15:12:51)
* work in the new Forge website is going on (gastaldi, 15:13:21)
* IDEA: we could reference
as an app that we could model this on (vineetreynolds, 15:19:17)
* Conferences about JBoss Forge 2 (gastaldi, 15:26:59)
* make sure the talks are added to Forge calendar (Lincoln?) (gastaldi, 15:30:15)
(vineetreynolds, 15:30:16)
Meeting ended at 15:35:14 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (83)
* vineetreynolds (28)
* jbott (10)
* mbriskar (4)
* jbossbot (2)
* mbenson (1)
* sbain (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
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10 years, 11 months
Meeting minutes - 2014-04-16
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:53:32 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Forge 2 Status (gastaldi, 14:56:28)
* Next version is Forge 2.5.0.Final (gastaldi, 14:57:05)
* Forge 2.5.0.Final will be released on April 23rd, 2014 (gastaldi,
* Interns introduction (gastaldi, 15:04:54)
* big welcome to sbain and …
[View More]mbriskar (gastaldi, 15:05:33)
* mbriskar worked with the Weld team. He is helping us with our daily
tasks and may be a future Red Hatter (gastaldi, 15:08:03)
* sbain is an intern referenced by Paul Robinson and it's working in
the IntelliJ integration as his scholarship thesis (gastaldi,
* Future plans (gastaldi, 15:12:51)
* work in the new Forge website is going on (gastaldi, 15:13:21)
* IDEA: we could reference
as an app that we could model this on (vineetreynolds, 15:19:17)
* Conferences about JBoss Forge 2 (gastaldi, 15:26:59)
* make sure the talks are added to Forge calendar (Lincoln?) (gastaldi, 15:30:15)
(vineetreynolds, 15:30:16)
Meeting ended at 15:35:14 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (83)
* vineetreynolds (28)
* jbott (10)
* mbriskar (4)
* jbossbot (2)
* mbenson (1)
* sbain (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
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10 years, 11 months
by Jess Sightler
I have been thinking that it may be a good idea to allow more direct
configuration of the command line parameters used within the forge
shell. In the current design, the parameters are derived from the
variable names used in the code, but I think some users find this
surprising. I also think that this will conflict with some user's naming
I have filed a JIRA to this effect:
What do you think?
10 years, 11 months
[Roaster] Don't know how to add an annotation inside another one
by Antonio Goncalves
This is a Roaster question. I've been trying to create a Bean Validation
constraint properly... in vain. What I want to achieve is the following
(notice the @List annotation) :
@Constraint(validatedBy = {})
*public *@*interface *Email {
String message() *default **"wrong email address"*;
Class<?>[] groups() *default *{};
Class<? *extends *Payload>[] payload() *…
[View More]default *{};
@*interface **List* {
Email[] value();
This is the code I've written. Both annotation are generated separately...
but I don't know how to add listAnnotation inside emailAnnotation. Any idea
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This is the inner annotation List
final JavaAnnotationSource listAnnotation =
listAnnotation.addAnnotationElement("Email[] value()");
// This is the annotation @Email
final JavaAnnotationSource emailAnnotation =
emailAnnotation.addAnnotationElement("String message() default
\"wrong email address\"");
emailAnnotation.addAnnotationElement("Class<?>[] groups() default {}");
emailAnnotation.addAnnotationElement("Class<? extends
Payload>[] payload() default {}");
// I was expecting to have a method like that so I
could add annotation inside another one
// emailAnnotation.addAnnotationElement(emailAnnotation);
Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
Web site <> |
| LinkedIn <> | Paris
| Devoxx France <>
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10 years, 11 months
Forge 2.4.1.Final Released
by Lincoln Baxter
JBoss Forge 2.4.1.Final is now available!
The Forge Team is proud to announce that JBoss Forge 2.4.1.Final is now available! This is the best release so far. What’s new and noteworthy?
* Performance : We have introduced some major performance enhancements in the Furnace runtime, so the shell and other features should feel quite a bit snappier. Try it out and tell us your thoughts!
* Component Upgrades : We’ve upgraded to Arquillian 1.1.4.Final, Aesh 0.52 and Roaster 2.1.0.Final. …
[View More]More stability and new features available out-of-the-box
* Introducing Roaster (definitely) : Our first-gen Java parser has been replaced by Roaster , which has been refactored and enhanced to support lots of new features such as Nested Types, Java Properties, and more.
And that’s not all! Check out the issues below for more info.
Please let us know if you encounter any issues, or have any feedback on usability, at FORGE . Download Forge
* Try out Forge 2 in Eclipse via our Update Site
* Use Forge 2 in your CLI / Terminal by downloading and installing the Final release . You can learn how to run the downloaded installation via our docs.
Release Notes – 32 issues were resolved since the last release. Check out all the new stuff!
* [ FORGE -1674 ] – Forge should add EJB 3.1 dependency
* [ FORGE -1692 ] – Freemarker includes present in the classpath are not resolved.
* [ FORGE -1701 ] – REST resource generation fails when DTOs are generated
* [ FORGE -1706 ] – Adding constraint with regular expression throws an Error
* [ FORGE -1714 ] – JavaClass.getProperties() returns wrong number of items
* [ FORGE -1724 ] – Errors in PlexusContainer inutilizes shell
* [ FORGE -1728 ] – ClassCastException when a wizard is invoked in Eclipse plugin
* [ FORGE -1734 ] – CCE when starting up the integrated Forge console in JBT
* [ FORGE -1735 ] – No commands are displayed sporadically
Component Upgrade
* [ FORGE -1584 ] – Upgrade to Arquillian 1.1.4.Final
* [ FORGE -1736 ] – Upgrade to Aesh 0.52
* [ FORGE -1737 ] – Upgrade to Roaster 2.1.0.Final
* [ FORGE -1471 ] – Selection of page template is both unclear, and too prominently displayed in Scaffold Setup in Eclipse
* [ FORGE -1682 ] – Highlighter Scanners should be more extensible
* [ FORGE -1685 ] – Move the utility classes from the scaffold-api project to a scaffold-spi project
* [ FORGE -1698 ] – MavenJavaCompilerFacet should use user properties instead of declaring the compiler plugin
* [ FORGE -1715 ] – Migrate Property used in Validation/constraint support in JavaEE to Roaster
* [ FORGE -1720 ] – Property should extend AnnotationTarget
* [ FORGE -1721 ] – Use Roaster in the JavaEE addon instead of java-parser
Feature Request
* [ FORGE -833 ] – java new-field improvements
* [ FORGE -1626 ] – Install addon from git repository
* [ FORGE -1681 ] – Extend the Highlighter for Properties files
* [ FORGE -1684 ] – Port the MetawidgetInspectorFacade API from the Forge 1 scaffold-x API
* [ FORGE -1695 ] – Add highlighter for SQL
* [ FORGE -1696 ] – Add Highlighter for Groovy
* [ FORGE -1697 ] – Add Highlighter for YAML
* [ FORGE -1700 ] – Create a ProjectType for a POM packaging type project
* [ FORGE -1702 ] – Implement possibility to add CommandExecutionHandler to ShellHandle
* [ FORGE -1726 ] – Remove java-parser in favor of Roaster
* [ FORGE -1732 ] – Shell does not display execution progress through UIProgressMonitor
Quality Risk
* [ FORGE -1699 ] – High CPU consumption on Windows and Linux
* [ FORGE -1730 ] – Move git addon to core
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10 years, 11 months
Re: [forge-dev] Where to create the set compiler version UI command?
by Lincoln Baxter, III
I agree with George. I think that parser-java is probably the right place
for this. The command should be active if there is a current project, and
JavaCompilerFacet is enabled in that project. The command is build-system
agnostic, so it shouldn't go in maven. I think parser-java is the only
place for it.
On Sun, Apr 6, 2014 at 1:24 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald(a)> wrote:
> Why not adding to parser-java? That seems the best place to be, since
> JavaCompilerFacet is in …
[View More]there
> > Em 06/04/2014, às 14:14, "Ivan St. Ivanov" <>
> escreveu:
> >
> > Hi guys!
> >
> > I was wondering where to put the compiler version UI command. it has
> dependency to parser-java (because of the Facet), so it can't go to the
> projects addon. Otherwise it would introduce a circular dependency. I am
> not really happy about adding the command to the parser-java addon either.
> >
> > I looked at all the addons that have dependency to parser-java, but
> couldn't find any suitable (dev-tools, addons, scaffold, javaee,
> database-tools).
> >
> > What would you recommend here?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ivan
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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10 years, 11 months
Forge 2.4.1.Final is available!
by George Gastaldi
Forge 2.4.1.Final is now available in the nexus repository and should be in central in a few hours.
Blog post coming this monday.
PS: it's the best release so far :)
Best Regards,
George Gastaldi
10 years, 12 months