Aesh & Eclipse
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hey Stale,
I tried to get Aesh to accept user input from the test case, but it does
not seem like it is working in Eclipse. You mentioned you were going to be
working on that.
What needs to be done, and when do you think you might be able to work on
it? I'd like to start playing with the shell, and I think we're ready to
start porting some more things over from Forge 1.
Thanks a lot!
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
12 years, 3 months
Hang on Exit
by James Perkins
I'm seeing a hang on exit. I did a stack trace and a kill -3 on it, It looks like the console input thread
is hanging for some reason. Note this only happens when I type exit and
enter. Using CTRL+D works, but CTRL+C does not either. It doesn't hang,
but it doesn't exit with CTRL+C.
James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat
12 years, 3 months
Re: [forge-dev] Forge list command for resources jar/war/ear/zip
by Dan Allen
+1 This is a great idea.
I'll toss out a next step idea.
You may also want to consider cd into a Maven artifact by specifying
groupId:artifactId:version syntax.
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On Nov 19, 2012 8:35 AM, "Lincoln Baxter, III" <lincolnbaxter(a)>
12 years, 4 months
Forge list command for resources jar/war/ear/zip
by Adolfo Jr.
Hi everyone,
I am a new Forge entusiast, it's a great project!
So decided to learn and help, i started to do some code.
I developed a plugin based in issue
The implementation suggest a full list of entries in a zip archive.
[plugin-lszip] plugin-lszip.jar $ ls
[View More]jboss/forge/resources/ZipEntryResource$ZipEntryInputStream.class
Then i sent a pull to github:
The code works fine for list command.
But in some other tests with "cat" command to read a ZipEntry content, and
"cd" command to change the current resource, the commands didn't work!
I realised that the name of entries contains slash and the PathspecParser
class split the name and navigate recursively.
I think that implementation like a DirectoryResource hierarquicali could
work fine. But will lose the full list of entries.
Some suggestion to resolve the behavior?
Thank you,
Adolfo Jr.
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12 years, 4 months
[website] Forge Team Page
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hey All,
George has put up our new Forge team page on the website. We're trying to
get the page to automatically generate based on commits (and/or pull
requests) in github so that we can include all contributors.
If anyone wants to help with this, please get in touch with George.
Until then, let us know if we forgot to list you! (I know we have forgotten
many. Sorry in advance!)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
12 years, 4 months
Forge 1.1.2.Final Released !
by George Gastaldi
Hi all !
Forge 1.1.2.Final was released and available on the staging repo. I'll do some additional tests before releasing to the main repository.
If anything seems wrong, please let me know.
Best Regards,
George Gastaldi
12 years, 4 months
Forge meeting Minutes
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:59:56 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 15:00:38)
* Forge 2.0 Progress (gastaldi, 15:00:49)
* Forge 1.1.2.Final (gastaldi, 15:01:16)
* Forge 2.0 Progress (gastaldi, 15:02:20)
* Forge plugins under development (gastaldi, 15:13:28)
* ACTION: gastaldi will create the …
[View More]repository for the jCache plugin
and then transfer to the JCache team once they reply to my email ;)
(gastaldi, 15:19:07)
* ACTION: rbenevides will start work on the JCache plugin in Monday
(gastaldi, 15:20:28)
* Forge 1.1.2.Final (gastaldi, 15:21:33)
* Devoxx (gastaldi, 15:25:03)
(koentsje, 15:33:35)
* ACTION: koentsje will send a hangout invitation about the Crash
collaboration in Forge 2.0 (gastaldi, 15:37:25)
Meeting ended at 15:38:24 UTC.
Action Items
* gastaldi will create the repository for the jCache plugin and then
transfer to the JCache team once they reply to my email ;)
* rbenevides will start work on the JCache plugin in Monday
* koentsje will send a hangout invitation about the Crash collaboration
in Forge 2.0
Action Items, by person
* gastaldi
* gastaldi will create the repository for the jCache plugin and then
transfer to the JCache team once they reply to my email ;)
* koentsje
* koentsje will send a hangout invitation about the Crash
collaboration in Forge 2.0
* rbenevides
* rbenevides will start work on the JCache plugin in Monday
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (74)
* koentsje (28)
* rbenevides (5)
* rruss (4)
* jbott (3)
* stalep (1)
* jbossbot (1)
*George Gastaldi* | /Senior Software Engineer/
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat
[View Less]
12 years, 4 months