new website
by Paul Bakker
Hi all,
As promised I started work on the new website. After some good experiences with it for the Arquillian website we decided to use Awestruct for this. This basically allows you to do some "dynamic" things like templating while the result is still plain HTML.
For the look&feel I used the Bootstrap library. We still have a lot of work to do, but I did set up the structure of the site. Now it's just adding more and more content.
There are a few things to look at:
1) The front page
It …
[View More]contains a news section which is aggregated from the "news" directory. The pages within the news directory must have the format of yyyy-MM-dd-post-pagetitle.textile to be picked up.
2) The documentation page
The documentation pages have their own template which creates the menu structure: _layouts/docs.html.haml. If a new page is added we need to add it to the menu too (this can probably be automated).
You can preview the site here: and the sources are on github:
I will continue adding content myself, but please contribute on this. You can simply send pull requests on git like always. The most important at this point is to migrate the documentation.
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12 years, 11 months
Forge Error
by Vlad Bogolin
I get the fallowing error when I try to run as7 deploy
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-cli)
on project test: Could not execute goal deploy on test.war. Reason:
Deployment failed and was rolled back.
I found out that the problem is caused by some missing dependencies but I
couldn't resolve it. I hope you can help me.
12 years, 11 months
Tests on Windows
by Koen Aers
Hi all,
I have spent quite some time trying to get the test suite to run on Windows. A very annoying problem is the \r\n sequence to end the lines. However, there is something else…
After applying the fixes that gastaldi and myself created the tests ran on my Windows 7 box. There was still a problem with the following test on Windows XP:
It turned out that the expected dependency on cdi is not found. I was …
[View More]puzzled why this worked on Windows 7 and not on Windows XP, so I deleted the local Maven repo and behold… it also failed (again) on Windows 7. Don't know if we need to be glad or sad about this though but it seems to be a missing Maven dependency in the repo. Also with a debugger attached I can see a ClassNotFoundException somewhere deep in the callstack (I cannot see exactly where because of the Weld proxies) for the class org.apache.maven.model.building.FileModelSource.
Does anybody have any idea or suggestions about this?
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12 years, 12 months
GSoC 2012
by Vlad Bogolin
I am Vlad Bogolin, a 2nd year student at Polytechnic University of
Bucharest, Computer Science Department. I would like to participate at GSoC
2012 this being my first attempt at GSoC.
I would be interested to create a Java application for JBoss. After looking
on the idea page I think the most suitable applications for me would be to
Implement a Forge plugin to create RHQ plugins or Implement a Plugin to add
"Undo" functionality to Forge.
I can say that I am quite familiar with Java. I have …
[View More]developed some small
projects and now I am developing a team project based on the Ants game from
AIChallange for school purpose. As it comes to Git I am also familiar with
it but I mostly used EGit
I would really appreciate if I could be pointed to some resources or some
small tasks in order to make a proper idea about these projects and to give
it a try.
Thank you,
Vlad Bogolin
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13 years
Running/Building on Windows
by Koen Aers
Some of you probably think: 'Here we go again' ;-)
While working on FORGE-489 I had to extensively test on Windows as I had to modify the startup scripts. I tested on Windows XP and Windows 7 and found that, while Forge builds fine if the tests are skipped, doing 'mvn clean install' fails while running the tests for the Parser/Java module in both cases. Is this a known issue that I somehow missed?
I also encountered some glitches while running on both those platforms. I found that tab …
[View More]completion not always seems to work and that commands sometimes are echoed. Anyone has the same experiences?
Unless somebody tells me that I've overlooked something, I will file the JIRA's with some more details tomorrow...
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13 years
Re: [forge-dev] Issues with new getObjectId() support
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hmm, ok.
I tried to get to the root cause of this issue, but since I am not familiar
with Metawidget, I hit a road block around line 265 of (
JavaClass viewBean = JavaParser.parse(JavaClass.class,
this.backingBeanTemplate.render(context)); ) The template simply takes
Metawidget's contents and inserts it, I'm not sure how to continue.
Thomas or Richard, any chance you could take a look at this project (the
result of running the new scaffold on a reverse engineered database.) …
[View More]and
see what we can do to resolve this compliation issue?
It's specifically caused because the generated entities are using primitive
types (short, long) instead of object types for their ID fields, so I guess
we need to support both.
Thoughts? How easy is this to fix?
On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 2:49 PM, Koen Aers <koen.aers(a)> wrote:
> In attachment the project that was generated from the sakila database (
> using the hibernate tools
> plugin and scaffolding. It contains a number of problems related to
> primitive types and their object counterparts.
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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13 years