Forge Hack Night
by George Gastaldi
Hello everyone !
We should have a Forge Hack Night sometime to focus on the nasty bugs
and shorten the release cycle.
That´s the same activity people from Seam 3 had.
George Gastaldi
12 years, 10 months
Packaging and installing plugins from Maven
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hey Keith!
Regarding instaling plugins from Maven - we'd definitely like to support
this. Perhaps we could take what you've done and standardize it as a
supported plugin installation mechanism?
Regarding testing the plugins in a forge release distribution. As of Forge
1.0.3.Final, you can invoke Forge from the command line using:
forge -e "command or script to run"
So hopefully that will be of use :) You can install plugins using this
feature as well, so with the combination of the two, we …
[View More]should have some
good testing options!
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
12 years, 10 months
Some incorrect changes to JSF scaffolding?
by Richard Kennard
Hi guys,
I'm taking a break from the JSF UI scaffolding at the moment, but I notice some incorrect changes have been made. Could I please ask someone to revisit
them? Specifically:
1. ForgeInspector now holds a reference to ForgeInspectorConfig internally, and uses this to access certain settings. Because ForgeInspector is required to
be immutable, but ForgeInspectorConfig is not, this may break things. ForgeInspector should *defensively copy* any settings it needs at construction time.
[View More] ForgeInspectorConfig has a getProject method that doesn't appear to be used?
3. ForgeInspectionResultProcessor has a setProject method. Again, this breaks immutability. Also, it doesn't appear to be used?
[View Less]
12 years, 10 months
Lincoln is at OpenCloud Conf
by Lincoln Baxter, III
And will be intermittently online until next week. Please email dev list
with issues and I'll try to answer asap :)
Also, who wants to run this week's dev meeting?
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
12 years, 10 months
Forge website domain (DISCUSS)
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hello forge developers and users! :-)
As you probably know we are in the process of moving our wiki based web
page ( to a site of its
own. If you see this for the first time, you can find more details here:
Once we are more confident about its completeness, we will publish it.
Before that, though, we would like to hear your opinion about the domain
name. Here are the options:
* -> this can …
[View More]be easily got. However we cannot have all the
services that we need (like hosting our plugin repository for example). We
should stick to the ones offered by the server
* -> we can use this domain name in all kinds of cloud
solutions (like Openshift). There we will be in power to choose the web
site technology
* -> unfortunately this is already taken. But it looks great for
our tool to have this domain - easy to remember and straight to the point
* -> it's not occupied yet and is close to what we see on
our logo
* / / forge.<anything> -> use any free domain that
starts with forge
* change the project name to something else, which has free
* any other great idea that you can think of...
To share my opinion: is great! However, if the only way to get it
is by paying to its owner, then I am also fine with
[View Less]
12 years, 10 months
Re: [forge-dev] The UTF-8 errors are back... what happened?
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Forgot the dev list.
On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 5:03 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III <
lincolnbaxter(a)> wrote:
> i'm going back and checking the history to see what changed. Do you see
> anything that would potentially break this?
> On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 4:50 PM, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck(a)> wrote:
>> you are right, it's exactly the same problem again, the properties file
>> is not found:
>> ENCODINGS_FILE = "com/sun/org/apache/…
[View More]xml/**
>> internal/serializer/Encodings.**properties"
>> also my module doesn't help, do you know of any changes related to
>> modularity?
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Simpler is better."
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months
Meeting minutes 2012-04-25
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Meeting summary
* Agenda items (lincolnthree, 14:01:50)
* 1. Forge 1.0.3 released (lincolnthree, 14:02:01)
* 2. Forge 1.0.3 in JBDS / JBoss Tools (lincolnthree, 14:02:14)
* 3. Forge website (lincolnthree, 14:02:23)
* Forge 1.0.3 released! :D (lincolnthree, 14:03:52)
* Forge 1.0.3 in JBDS / JBoss Tools (lincolnthree, 14:05:13)
* LINK: (koentsje, 14:13:57)
* LINK: (koentsje, 14:16:30)
* …
[View More]Forge website (lincolnthree, 14:25:23)
* LINK: looks better (ivannov, 14:32:14)
(lincolnthree, 14:44:30)
* LINK: as well. although I don't know about
forge.old :-) (ivannov, 14:50:35)
Meeting ended at 15:00:40 UTC.
(11:01:42 AM) jbott: Meeting ended Wed Apr 25 15:00:40 2012 UTC.
Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
(11:01:42 AM) jbott: Minutes:
(11:01:42 AM) jbott: Minutes (text):
(11:01:42 AM) jbott: Log:
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
12 years, 11 months