JBoss AS 7 Management Support
by James R. Perkins
Hello All,
I've been working on support to start JBoss AS 7 from a forge shell. You
can also execute CLI commands. I haven't changed of the deploy, undeploy
or redeploy goals at this point, but probably will in the future.
I just have it on my repo so far,
https://github.com/jamezp/plugin-jboss-as/tree/as7. If someone wants to
give it a code review that would be great. There are still some things
that need to fixed, but it seems to work from my limited testing.
Any feedback is welcome.
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James R. Perkins
JBoss by Red Hat
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12 years, 8 months
Error when trying to test a forge plugin in a running forge instance
by Jevgeni Zelenkov
Hi guys,
I am trying to test the undo plugin on a working forge instance but I
am getting a strange error.
As described here:
I have added the undo-plugin using 'forge source-plugin' command. It
was added successfully, I can even see undo-plugin commands when I
call 'list-commands'.
But when I execute 'undo setup' command (should simply install the
plugin), I get the following exception:
The requested Facet of type …
[View More][org.jboss.forge.undo.UndoFacet] could not
be loaded.
UndoFacet class is located in the same package as the UndoPlugin class
(org.jboss.forge.undo). I also tried moving both classes into
"org.jboss.forge" but that didn't help either.
Does anybody have any ideas what could it be?
Best Regards,
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12 years, 8 months
[RESONSE NEEDED] Changing Forge License from LGPL to EPL
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hi Everyone,
We would like to change Forge from the LGPL license to the EPL license;
this will remove the restriction on Plugin licensing which currently
requires Plugins to be written with a compatible open-source license. We
don't want to restrict how people can develop and distribute plugins, and
the EPL license is much more permissive in this regard; while maintaining
the same open-source requirements for the core Forge framework itself,
plugins may be developed under any license a person …
[View More]would wish to use.
Before we this change, if you have any objections, please *reply now*; if
you are in agreement, please respond to this email stating,* "I approve of
the change to EPL."*
*Additionally*, the reason we need to ask for this permission is because
some of our contributors have not yet signed the JBoss CLA for Forge. Once
we change to EPL, the CLA will not be necessary :)
Thanks all,
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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12 years, 9 months
Meeting minutes: 2012-06-20
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Meeting ended Wed Jun 20 14:48:41 2012 UTC. Information about MeetBot at
http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
Minutes (text):
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree, 14:03:32)
* Forge 1.0.6.Final Release Goals (lincolnthree, …
[View More]14:03:51)
* Forge website (lincolnthree, 14:04:02)
* JBoss Modules and Forge (lincolnthree, 14:06:46)
* JBoss Modules (lincolnthree, 14:08:24)
* Forge website (lincolnthree, 14:12:31)
* JBoss Modules (lincolnthree, 14:20:16)
* Forge 1.0.6.Final Release Goals (lincolnthree, 14:34:17)
* Wrap up (lincolnthree, 14:45:18)
* ACTION: Challenge: Anyone who can cut the start-up time of Forge in
half gets a Forge shirt (lincolnthree, 14:46:07)
Meeting ended at 14:48:41 UTC.
Action Items
* Challenge: Anyone who can cut the start-up time of Forge in half gets
a Forge shirt
Action Items, by person
* Challenge: Anyone who can cut the start-up time of Forge in half
gets a Forge shirt
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
12 years, 9 months
Forge dependency on Solder
by George Gastaldi
I noticed that the forge module "forge-shell" has Seam Solder (on a
beta version) as a dependency on its pom.xml.
Is that really necessary ? I removed it and couldn´t notice anything
wrong when building / running forge (unless noticed).
George Gastaldi
12 years, 9 months