Forge at the Devoxx 2012 Hackergarten
by Dan Allen
As you may have seen, there will be a full-day hackergarten (hackfest /
workshop) at Devoxx 2012 [1]. I saw in the logs that you were discussing it
at the end of today's meeting. I'd definitely like to see the Forge project
represented there. It's a great opportunity for attendees to get hands on
with Forge and to get more people interested in contributing.
I'm looking for a few things:
- thumbs up that you want Forge involved
- a list of people that would like to be mentors (looking for 1 to 3 people)
To make the event successful you should perhaps create a wiki (or website)
page that has:
- a link to a setup guide so participants are ready to start hacking
- a list of ideas / goals to accomplish; the starter tasks are good for
this, or perhaps tutorials (to build experience)
As far as Forge is concerned, I think the focus of the event should be to
get people familiar with using Forge and either writing plugins (easier
goal) or hacking the core (more lofty goal).
Btw, the hackergarten is a good opportunity to give out mini-cards, buttons
or whatever else you have to distribute.
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597
12 years, 4 months
Forge 2.0 and OSGi
I've been done some thinking and researching for Forge 2.0 based on the
last forge meeting we had and the current code in the 2.0 branch, and it
seems that the architecture we're looking for is very close to OSGi
architecture itself (regarding to plugability and modularity).
I'm also afraid that we'll face the same problems that OSGi tries to
solve. As my current experience with OSGi is next to minimal (and
probably to better understand why and have some arguments if someone
asks me about it), I would like some opinions about the
advantages/disadvantages of why not having the Forge container as an
OSGi compliant solution.
Also, don't get me wrong: I am not trying to convince anyone of using
OSGi into the forge core, just want to understand better why this
architecture is not a viable solution so far. I know Lincoln is against
using it, but I just want some arguments in case someone asks me in
conferences and stuff :)
Of course, we need to keep using CDI and annotations as well. So if it's
possible to have that and at the same time the modularity (and
plugability) offered by OSGi, it would be awesome.
Looking forward for your answers !
Best Regards,
*George Gastaldi* | /Senior Software Engineer/
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat
12 years, 4 months
[Proposal] Helper methods for managing inverse relationships
by Marius Bogoevici
I have a proposal for the persistence plugin, regarding the handling of inverse relationships.
When working with inverse relationships in Hibernate and JPA, it is a common and encouraged practice to include convenience methods for correctly managing the inverse end of the relationship, so that the entity user would be relieved from the burden of setting each end manually when the relationship. e.g. 'addSubCategory' in
public class SubCategory {
private Category parent;
public class Category {
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent")
private Set<SubCategory> subcategories = new HashSet<SubCategory>();
public void addSubCategory(SubCategory subcategory) {
or something more elaborate (null checks etc) but to the effect of . This can be combined with returning non-modifiable collections by the getters, etc. but the gist of it is to provide a single operation through which developers will set up the bi-directional relationship, thus preventing the model from becoming inconsistent (or even not persisted correction).
Essentially this is a quite established good practice, which the ones of us who admit to being old enough to have read Gavin&Christian's book will remember. Now this is a PITA to do manually, but Forge could easily take care of it.
Lincoln and I have discussed this on IRC, and whiles this has been deemed a good idea, we're wondering what everyone else thinks. So, thoughts?
12 years, 5 months
JDF Forge plugin
by Rafael Benevides
Hi guys.
Today I was talking with George Gastaldi and we discussed about JDF
Forge plugin.
Forge plugin was planned ( ) prior the JBoss Stacks
project ( ) so I think that we
could update the JDF Forge plugin to use the Runtimes and Archetypes
information too.
Today jdf plugin shows all available boms through command completer:
|jdf use-stack --stack<TAB>|
I think we should update jdf plugin to use the Runtime to display only
the available BOMs/BomVersions from each Runtime:
|jdf use-stack --runtime jboss-eap-60 --bom<TAB> (change --stack to --bom)|
Even the Archetype information can be used also to delegate the creation
of a project using the correct archetype to that Runtime. _Here I'm not
sure if it this kind of overwrite is desirable. _
|jdf new-project --runtime jboss-eap-6- --archetype<TAB>|
What you forge/jdf guys think ?
12 years, 5 months
Man, that's annoying!
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Hey all,
For Forge 1.1.1, I'd like to focus on the "most annoying issues" in Forge.
So if you have run into a problem that angers you or gets your goat, then
let's list it out here so we can get it fixed in the next release!
Here are a few that I find personally annoying.
jira [FORGE-593] Forge swallows first character of user input after
restarting (typically from plugin installation) [Open (Unresolved) Bug,
Major, Unassigned]
jira [FORGE-581] Scaffold source generation fails if project groupId not a
valid package name [Open (Unresolved) Bug, Major, Unassigned]
jira [FORGE-659] MovePlugin fails while moving java classes [Open
(Unresolved) Bug, Major, Unassigned]
jira [FORGE-224] Create means for measuring usage via analytics [Pull
Request Sent (Unresolved) Feature Request, Major, George Gastaldi]
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
12 years, 5 months
Meeting minutes 2012-09-26
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Meeting ended Wed Sep 26 15:30:04 2012 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)
Minutes (text):
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by lincolnthree at 14:01:37 UTC. The full logs are
available at
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree, 14:01:48)
* What's next for 1.1.1 and 2.0 (lincolnthree, 14:02:02)
* FORGE-583 by ivannov (lincolnthree, 14:04:10)
* Conferences (lincolnthree, 14:06:20)
* What's next for 1.1.1 and 2.0 (lincolnthree, 14:06:33)
(lincolnthree, 14:08:17)
(lincolnthree, 14:09:01)
* LINK: (lincolnthree, 14:13:46)
* LINK: (lincolnthree,
* LINK: (lincolnthree,
* LINK: (lincolnthree,
* FORGE-583 by ivannov (lincolnthree, 15:07:45)
* Conferences (lincolnthree, 15:20:08)
Meeting ended at 15:30:04 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* lincolnthree (175)
* gastaldi (88)
* koentsje (49)
* ivannov (48)
* jbossbot (15)
* jbott (6)
* adietisheim (1)
* everyone (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
12 years, 5 months
Re: [forge-dev] Forge 2.0 and OSGi
by Paul Bakker is a recording of one of my osgi talks. At Devoxx I will do a university talk and a hands on lab, so if you are going to Devoxx...
Sent from my iPhone
On 26 sep. 2012, at 07:59, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck(a)> wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> I tried to find a video of the talk you gave on this topic, but failed. This is IMHO one of the hottest Java enterprise topics, anyone who has tried to build a long living system for more than a few web pages has felt the pains of modularity, life cycle, versioning, etc. - and I really want to understand some of what you experts are talking of :-)
> If it is publicly availble, can you send me a link, please.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> Am 26.09.2012 05:39, schrieb Paul Bakker:
>> When using OSGi you should not deal with injection or package imports by hand. Package imports should be calculated by byte code analysis (bnd does this). Injecting services should be done with a DI framework such as Felix DependencyMAnager (that's what I use mostly) or declarative service annotations for example. The fact that you can lookup services by hand using the low level Apis doesn't mean you should... ;-)
>> For building stuff you could either use the Bnd plugin in maven (by default it only imports packages that you really use, using byte code analysis). Even better would be switching to BndTools. This is an eclipse plugin specially for OSGi development. It gives hot code reloading etc, no more slow maven builds to see your changes! See my talk to see this in action :-)
>> I don't like JBM because its not doing enough; e.g. no dynamic services. Besides that, OSGi exists for a long time and has proofed to work well. There is a lot of documentation, books etc. JBM is still very much an internal JBoss thing, and almost nobody knows anything about it. I can understand why AS7 required a custom solution, but Forge has very different requirements.
>> Still, not sure it's feasible to start using OSGi for Forge at this point. It would have a lot of impact...
>> Paul
12 years, 5 months
Blurb on
by Richard Kennard
Hi guys,
Anticipating the Forge stampede following JavaOne, could somebody please brush up the blurb on the Forge home page? I think it's confusing and obfuscates
the point. Specifically:
1. The second paragraph is basically a rewording of the first?
2. The second paragraph is basically the 'value proposition' that most users will be interested in. It should come first?
3. Even then, the second paragraph fails to convey the main 'value proposition': that is, that Forge allows rapid-application development using a command
line tool.
I think a lot of the features we tout 'front and centre' are pretty secondary for new users. New users are unlikely to care much about IDE integration,
plugins, or scripting. New users are more interested in doing what the video does (i.e. create a working app from the command line).
12 years, 5 months