Meeting minutes - 2015-04-28
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:05:09 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:05:23)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:09:53)
* The Website is still a priority (gastaldi, 14:10:12)
* GSoC (gastaldi, 14:19:51)
* We're proud to have 2 slots for JBoss Forge this year (gastaldi,
* Because we are …
[View More]awesome (lincolnthree, 14:20:34)
* Status Reports (gastaldi, 14:24:15)
* I am working in the website, just fixed some bugs yesterday and
merged some pull-requests. (gastaldi, 14:24:46)
* : i have two accepted talks on Forge but maybe that’s a different
topic? (koentsje, 14:27:25)
* Upcoming talks (lincolnthree, 14:33:08)
* i have an accepted talk at (koentsje,
* and i have another one at devoxx poland (koentsje, 14:34:49)
Meeting ended at 14:46:17 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (49)
* lincolnthree (26)
* koentsje (14)
* jbott (8)
* jbossbot (4)
* addonis1990 (3)
* vineetreynolds (1)
* maxandersen (1)
* soro (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
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9 years, 11 months
Forge Meeting Minutes - 2015-04-21
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Minutes (text):
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree, 14:10:03)
* Status Reports (lincolnthree, 14:11:08)
* This week I worked on creating conference abstracts with
gastaldi|away, and also noted a few improvement areas in …
[View More]the Furnace
test-harness dependency resolution - e.g. automatic dependency
deteection when no deps are specified in the test. (lincolnthree,
* I've also been working on reviewing the latest website designs.
(lincolnthree, 14:13:01)
* Last week I gave a talk on CDI with Forge at the Mix-IT conference
(agoncal, 14:13:47)
* I gave a try at the PR 27 on Roaster on generating methods
(agoncal, 14:14:18)
* Priorities (lincolnthree, 14:21:07)
* As usual, the Website is a priority, work is coming along nicely
according to gastaldi|away (lincolnthree, 14:21:22)
Meeting ended at 17:40:59 UTC.
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
9 years, 11 months
JBoss Tools 4.3.0.Alpha2 code freeze this Thursday 16th April
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Just a friendly reminder that Alpha2 code freeze is coming up on this
Thursday the 16th [1]
if you are on Red Hat VPN you can access the ical for it at [2]. Planned
release of this is for 27th April.
This Alpha2 is "Special" in the sense it is targeting Eclipse Mars M6
which includes a lot of updates and fixes
to the platform including:
* OS X p2 layout has changed = OS X users cannot update from Mars M1-M5
to M6, need to install.
* Jetty 8 to Jetty 9 (major api change)
* egit 3.x …
[View More]to 4.0
* GTK3 bug fixes (Snjezana Go Go!)
* ...and probably a lot more ;)
Big things hoping to show up in Alpha2 if you are not aware are:
* easyimport
* OpenShift v3 tooling (it did not make it to Alpha1)
* First working and pretty version of Central on HTML5
* <fill in your thing here for N&N >
Good luck and don't be afraid to ask if you find issues in M6.
There are still time to fix it upstream! :)
p.s. I'm not available this Friday - but Fred Bricon promised to fill in
for me if any questions/concerns
around code freeze and readiness.
[View Less]
9 years, 11 months
Forge meeting minutes
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:01:22 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:02:03)
* stalep just released a minor update to Aesh 0.56.2 to fix the Home
and End keys issue in Forge (gastaldi, 14:02:44)
* Status reports (lincolnthree, 14:03:07)
* Priorities (lincolnthree, 14:03:11)
* Website status (…
[View More]lincolnthree, 14:03:19)
* Status reports (gastaldi, 14:06:15)
* I am working in the Website at the moment. (gastaldi, 14:06:45)
* I also plan to work on the website, and I am going to be reviewing
the designs for final approval soon. (lincolnthree, 14:07:39)
* Gave a talk last week at DevoxxFR on CDI using Forge (7 demos, all
worked ;o) (agoncal, 14:08:07)
* Forge 2.16.0.Final will be released in Apr 15th, 2015 (gastaldi,
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:16:46)
* Implementing the new website is a top priority (lincolnthree,
* AGREED: (gastaldi, 14:17:15)
* Website status (gastaldi, 14:23:21)
* I started some work in the Website. I chose to use AngularJS and its
Single page app strategy (gastaldi, 14:23:39)
* lincolnthree and gastaldi will be reviewing the designs for final
approval soon (gastaldi, 14:30:05)
* Upcoming conferences (gastaldi, 14:31:34)
* The Forge team wants to submit a talk to JavaOne SF (gastaldi,
* gastaldi is waiting for approval of Forge and Roaster talks in TDC
Floripa ( (gastaldi,
* LINK: (gastaldi,
* Forge will be in Devnation 2015 with a Lab and a talk (gastaldi,
* agoncal On Friday will be goind the same talk (CDI + Forge) at
Mix-IT (in Lyon, France) (gastaldi, 14:37:10)
* agoncal will be having a full 1h conference about Forge only, at
Devoxx UK (in June) (gastaldi, 14:37:39)
Meeting ended at 14:45:03 UTC.
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (71)
* lincolnthree (25)
* agoncal (10)
* jbossbot (8)
* jbott (8)
* vineetreynolds (2)
* koentsje (2)
* stalep (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
[View Less]
9 years, 11 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2015-04-07
by Lincoln Baxter, III
Minutes (text):
Meeting summary
* Agenda (lincolnthree, 14:52:01)
* Status reports (lincolnthree, 14:55:05)
* gastaldi is working in the OSGi support and fixing some essential
bugs before the release (gastaldi, 14:57:07)
* …
[View More]Last week I was at an engineering management meeting and didn't get
to do much work on Forge. (lincolnthree, 14:58:55)
* Priorities (lincolnthree, 15:02:49)
* Next Forge version is 2.16.0.Final (gastaldi, 15:08:17)
* #1: Finish OSGi research & integration (lincolnthree, 15:12:28)
* #2: Microservices prototyping and experiments (lincolnthree,
* Website status (lincolnthree, 15:12:59)
* The website issues are almost resolved. We have 4 remaining issues
left in github. We will begin implementing soon. (lincolnthree,
* AGREED: (gastaldi, 15:13:44)
* Upcoming Conferences (lincolnthree, 15:13:55)
* gastaldi is planning on submitting a talk about Forge to (gastaldi, 15:16:18)
* Devnation talk and lab were accepted (gastaldi, 15:18:09)
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
[View Less]
9 years, 11 months