Forge meeting minutes - 2015-06-30
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:01:52 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Status updates (gastaldi, 14:04:23)
* last week I was on DevNation/RH Summit and released Forge
2.17.0.Alpha2 with some awesome fixes (this release was not
published in the website) (gastaldi, 14:05:18)
* I had my talk on Forge at #DevoxxUK …
[View More]in front of lot of people who
were very interested and gave me nice feedback (agoncal, 14:06:28)
* Antoine Sabot Durant wants to join us to the Hands on Lab for Devoxx
Marocco (agoncal, 14:06:58)
* I've submitted the Forge Hands on Lab for Devoxx BE (adding soro and
koen without asking ;o) (agoncal, 14:07:23)
* Last week I was with gastaldi at RHSummit and DevNation presenting
forge at a session and a lab (lincolnthree, 14:07:42)
* we're resuming to our normal duties today, we apologize for being
absent in the past week (gastaldi, 14:11:39)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:12:22)
* Website: We'll remove the addon modal and move to their own pages
(gastaldi, 14:15:15)
* Website: we need to implement Advanced Search (gastaldi, 14:15:30)
* we'll focus on finishing the Website this week (gastaldi, 14:20:21)
* GSoC (gastaldi, 14:20:42)
* This week is GSoC Midterm evaluation time. We'll see what our fellow
students Devanshu and addonis1990 did and based on their work will
decide if they pass it or not (gastaldi, 14:21:59)
* The Forge GSoC projects this year are: Docker and Database Migration
addons (gastaldi, 14:22:38)
* LINK: and respectively (gastaldi,
* website status (gastaldi, 14:25:17)
* stacks, addons, firing events on facets, and roaster (gastaldi,
* Facet Events are already implemented in Forge 2.17.0.Alpha2
(gastaldi, 14:27:06)
Meeting ended at 15:11:10 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (120)
* lincolnthree (72)
* agoncal (54)
* mbriskar (12)
* jbott (9)
* ivannov (7)
* jbossbot (6)
* Devanshu (2)
* soro (2)
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9 years, 8 months
Forge Meeting Minutes - 2015-06-16
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:02:24 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:03:04)
* Status updates (gastaldi, 14:06:38)
* No updates from me. I've done some minor work on the website (some
reviews) (lincolnthree, 14:07:15)
* Getting ready for my 1 hour Forge talk at DevoxxUK on Friday
[View More] 14:07:59)
* after some weeks of work I launched the new website and released
Forge 2.16.2.Final (gastaldi, 14:08:09)
* in Bulgarian JUG we are planning the "Spring Boot Forge addon" code
retreat for the first or second weekend of August (ivannov,
* Now I am focusing on getting our talk ready for Devnation
(gastaldi, 14:09:44)
* : preparing for my forge talk @ devoxx poland next week monday
(koentsje, 14:10:26)
* : the forge talk @ rivierajug last week friday started under bad
auspices because of my mac failing but thanks to sblanc i could
still convince the audience about the coolness of forge ;)
(koentsje, 14:12:10)
* Prioritied (gastaldi, 14:21:53)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:22:06)
* our priority this week is to finish the talks for RH
Summit/Devnation and merge the webdesigner fixes as they are
provided (gastaldi, 14:23:38)
* we should work on stacks after summit (gastaldi, 14:33:22)
Meeting ended at 14:37:26 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (52)
* lincolnthree (16)
* koentsje (13)
* agoncal (10)
* jbott (8)
* ivannov (7)
* soro (2)
* jbossbot (1)
* mmatloka (1)
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9 years, 9 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2015-06-09
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:03:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Status updates (gastaldi, 14:06:57)
* I worked the whole last week in the website. Yesterday I fixed some
Forge bugs and some JBT bugs requested by the Camel team (gastaldi,
* No real updates from me. I've been working on windup …
[View More]beacuse the
business goes crazy every time someone mentions it. (lincolnthree,
* But I have been fixing a few furnace bugs with version resolution
that we discovered. (lincolnthree, 14:08:12)
* Been preparing my Forge Tools in Action for tomorow (BreizCamp
conference) and my Forge Talk for next week (DevoxxUK) (agoncal,
* Website (gastaldi, 14:19:15)
* I found a few bugs on mobile, and I'm working on submitting issues
for it. (lincolnthree, 14:21:16)
* the website is 80% functional. Some features unfortunately won't be
ready before summit (gastaldi, 14:22:26)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:32:02)
* Website is still priority #1 (gastaldi, 14:32:13)
* Next Forge release is 2.16.2.Final in June 15th (gastaldi,
* I fixed some issues with the IntellIJ plugin too (gastaldi,
* and the Netbeans one (gastaldi, 14:34:29)
(gastaldi, 14:38:54)
* gastaldi suggested an "Adopt an Add-on" program, where JUGs could
enhance/hack/fix issues specific to a chosen Add-on (gastaldi,
* yes, the previous idea was copied from "Adopt a JSR" :) (gastaldi,
* Long short/medium vision on stacks (gastaldi, 14:48:15)
* LINK: (gastaldi,
Meeting ended at 15:03:12 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (82)
* agoncal (29)
* lincolnthree (27)
* jbott (9)
* jbossbot (5)
* stalep (1)
* koentsje (0)
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9 years, 9 months
Forge Meeting minutes - 2015-06-02
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:00:46 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:01:05)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:03:34)
* Website is still #1 priority (gastaldi, 14:03:50)
* I've been working hard in the website last week and yesterday. The
current work can be seen at
[View More] (gastaldi, 14:04:55)
* Website will be released before Summit (gastaldi, 14:07:55)
* Status Updates (gastaldi, 14:09:22)
* We are planning a code retreat in Bulgarian JUG in July or August to
develop Spring Boot addon for Forge (ivannov, 14:10:51)
* Next Tuesday I am giving the final lecture in Sofia University of
our Java EE course. And it ends with Forge :) (ivannov, 14:12:09)
* now that jPrime is over, I will resume work on FORGEPLUGINS-152
(ivannov, 14:18:54)
Meeting ended at 14:21:07 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (37)
* ivannov (17)
* jbott (6)
* jbossbot (3)
* mbriskar (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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9 years, 9 months