Forge meeting minutes - 2015-08-25
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:14:03 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:14:27)
* I've been lately working in the performance issues in Forge and
fixing critical bugs. (gastaldi, 14:23:35)
* Right now I am experiencing some shell test failures, probably
because they were disabled in previous builds. …
[View More](gastaldi, 14:27:12)
* Forge 2.18.1.Final should be released soon. As the version says,
this is a bug-fix release for some regression bugs introduced in
2.18.0.Final (gastaldi, 14:29:07)
* I've created a roadmap for the future Forge versions (not public for
(gastaldi, 14:33:50)
* Status report (gastaldi, 14:38:43)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:38:49)
* our priority is to get Forge 2.18.1.Final asap with the performance
improvements. (gastaldi, 14:39:34)
* gastaldi will create a feedback form asking Forge users for what
would be nice to have in future Forge versions and send to the
forge-users and forge-dev lists (gastaldi, 14:48:13)
* GSoC 2015 (gastaldi, 14:49:18)
* this is the final evaluation week. Devanshut will present a demo for
the docker addon on Wednesday and Wissem will present about the DB
Migration addon on Friday. Let me know if you wish to join
(gastaldi, 14:51:12)
Meeting ended at 14:54:52 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (43)
* agoncal (8)
* jbott (7)
* lincolnthree (2)
* jbossbot (1)
* vineetreynolds (0)
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9 years, 7 months
Command test in a [non-core] addon
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi folks,
I am now working on a test of the Spring Boot addon setup command. I was
really happy with the changes that you did in the Forge test infrastructure
that allow avoiding listing all the addons that my command depends on in
the @AddonDependencies annotation as well as repeating some of them in the
deployment method body. I was finally able to write tests like that
[View More]public static AddonArchive getDeployment()
return ShrinkWrap
So I tried the same thing with the Spring Boot addon
<> that we started
developing in our JUG. However the test failed. I have attached both the
test and the whole log file. I will here just paste the exception that
stands out:
Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when
resolving overridden method
the class loader (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) of the
current class, org/jboss/forge/addon/springboot/ui/SpringBootSetupCommand,
and its superclass loader (instance of
org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader), have different Class objects for the
used in the signature
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(
at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(
at java.lang.Class.getEnclosingMethod(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.WeldStartup.deployBeans(
at org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.WeldBootstrap.deployBeans(
at org.jboss.forge.furnace.util.ClassLoaders.executeIn(
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
What I see different between the spring boot addon and the java ee addon,
where the referenced test belongs to, is that our addon has its pom.xml
dependencies in *provided* scope.
Is that the possible cause? Would you please give us advise how to write
tests outside the core addons?
Thanks and regards,
[View Less]
9 years, 7 months
I need to get @IdClass value as Class instance
by Doychin Bondzhev
I'm continuing to try to solve the problem with IdClass annotation.
The problem is that when I get value of annotation with this code:
AnnotationSource<JavaClassSource> idClassAnotation = entityClass
String valueClassName = idClassAnotation.getLiteralValue();
I get "className.class". There is no info about package.
Also Class Loader facet has no access to classes defined in the project.
Only to external classes. At least I was not able to load …
[View More]for example
Entity class.
If I had access to entity class from class loader I can get annotation
from class definition and get it's value.
Also I need to test primary key class that it implements
Any suggestion where to look for sample how to solve all the problems
mentioned above?
thanks in advance.
Doychin Bondzhev
dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
PowerStor - Warehouse & POS
Mobile: +359888243116
[View Less]
9 years, 7 months
Forge meeting notes - 2015-08-18
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:07:53 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Status Report (gastaldi, 14:09:53)
* I've been working in converting some addons to use the simple
container, to decrease boot time (gastaldi, 14:10:50)
[View More]gastaldi, 14:39:42)
* I just found a bug in Forge that prevents the loading of certain
services. Will investigate after the meeting is over (gastaldi,
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:53:31)
* the Priority right now is to have the Forge tests pass so we can
release Forge 2.18.0.Final (gastaldi, 14:54:00)
* next priority is to continue reducing CDI usage in the core addons
(lincolnthree, 14:54:59)
* GSoC 2015 (gastaldi, 15:05:32)
* This is the last week before final evaluation (gastaldi, 15:05:51)
* the GSoC students will prepare a demo (a video or a blog post)
showing the work done so far (gastaldi, 15:24:17)
* Stacks, command aggregation and scaffolding (gastaldi, 15:24:23)
* The Forge team will plan about future features, add to the roadmap
and prototype it (gastaldi, 15:40:36)
Meeting ended at 15:46:39 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (68)
* lincolnthree (48)
* agoncal (26)
* jbossbot (13)
* jbott (10)
* addonis1990 (6)
* Devanshu (2)
* vineetreynolds (0)
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9 years, 7 months
Forge Meeting minutes - 2015-08-11
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:01:02 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:01:14)
* Status Report (gastaldi, 14:03:42)
* Bulgarian JUG held a code retreat this weekend to build a Forge
addon for Spring Boot (ivannov, 14:06:22)
* I am working on improving Forge's performance. The profiling tool
[View More]mentions that Weld takes quite a bit of time to boot, so I am
migrating some addons to use the simple container instead
(gastaldi, 14:06:26)
* I have been reviewing gastaldi's work on the container switchover to
simple from CDI (lincolnthree, 14:10:17)
* The Forge lab at Devoxx BE has been rejected, and instead it's a
University on CDI (with Forge) (agoncal, 14:11:32)
* The Forge Lab at Devoxx MA(rocco) has been accepted (agoncal,
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:29:54)
* GSoC (gastaldi, 14:42:37)
* Spring Boot Addon (gastaldi, 14:55:40)
* The goal of the BG JUG code retreat was to develop a Spring Boot
Forge addon (ivannov, 14:57:34)
* The event started with ivannov giving a short presentation about
Forge (ivannov, 14:58:06)
* LINK: (ivannov,
* After that the attendees when on to complete the Forge Hands on Lab
(ivannov, 14:58:51)
* LINK: (ivannov,
* Finally, in the early afternoon of Saturday we split up in four
groups (ivannov, 15:00:28)
* The first group was developing the setup command (ivannov,
* The second group was developing spring boot setup JPA command
(ivannov, 15:02:19)
* The third group was developing add spring repository command
(ivannov, 15:02:48)
* The forth group was developing spring scaffolding command, with
Spring MVC+JSP as technology (ivannov, 15:03:35)
* The fifth group was working of generate REST endpoints command
(ivannov, 15:04:16)
* ivannov created a few issues in github to track the progress: (ivannov,
(gastaldi, 15:15:17)
Meeting ended at 15:23:09 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (105)
* ivannov (66)
* lincolnthree (27)
* agoncal (20)
* jbott (10)
* addonis1990 (4)
* Devanshu (2)
* jbossbot (2)
* vineetreynolds (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
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9 years, 7 months
How to get value as class from annotation?
by Doychin Bondzhev
We are part of the group that is trying to develop spring boot forge
addon. We try to cover the case when we have entity with IdClass
annotation and we have problem to get IdClass value parameter as some
object that can give use more inform about that class.
This is the code we are using :
JavaClassSource entityClass = ((JavaResource) repositoryEntity
if (entityClass.hasAnnotation(IdClass.class)) {
AnnotationSource<JavaClassSource> …
[View More]idClassAnotation = entityClass
String valueClassName = idClassAnotation.getLiteralValue();
We get as result in valueClassName the name of the class
("ClassName.class") but we need some sort of object that can provide us
with some additional information like qualified class name and simple
class name.
This class can be part of the project or can be imported from another
project/jar archive.
Any idea how to achieve this?
Doychin Bondzhev
dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
PowerStor - Warehouse & POS
Mobile: +359888243116
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9 years, 7 months