Approach to Spring Boot handling JPA
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi folks,
As some of you probably heard, in Bulgarian JUG we are going to adopt an
addon (as George put it a couple of months ago). Beginning of August we are
going to develop a Forge extension for Spring Boot. One of the things that
we are not sure yet how to tackle is persistence.
You see, Spring supports JPA. However instead of configuring it in the Java
EE way with persistence.xml, in Spring Boot they use a properties file for
that (and for all their configuration). The current JPA facet
implementations however are developed with presistence.xml in mind. The JPA
setup wizard itself is also bound somehow to presistence.xml - it picks the
facet to install based on that file.
What we want to do is not to rewrite all the Forge commands for JPA just
because of the fact above. We were thinking of a small change - extend
JPAFacet with SpringBootJPAFacet. And then add a new implementation of
PersistenceContainer -> SpringBootContainer or something? And then we have
to change JPASetupWizardImpl to pick the facet not only based on the JPA
version, but also based on the container.
Or maybe there is a better way?
I am expecting your feedback :)
9 years, 7 months
Forge Meeting minutes - 2015-08-04
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:02:17 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:02:32)
* Status report (gastaldi, 14:05:49)
* I have been fixing bugs and merging pull-requests last week
(gastaldi, 14:06:08)
* I completed the first part of the Java EE servlet security commands
(ivannov, 14:07:15)
* I have been refactoring the bootstrap stuff and keeping up to date
on the security stuff :) (lincolnthree, 14:09:23)
* and doing some review of the roaster statements work (lincolnthree,
* other than that, not much. (lincolnthree, 14:09:37)
(lincolnthree, 14:10:29)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:19:04)
* we'll focus in profiling and improving furnace-cdi's performance
this week (gastaldi, 14:21:37)
* GSoC (gastaldi, 14:34:00)
* Devanshu have been working to add Docker Commands to our forge
Command line to help our users. (gastaldi, 14:36:49)
* LINK: (Devanshu, 14:38:41)
* Spring boot addon (gastaldi, 14:43:42)
* LINK: (ivannov,
Meeting ended at 15:15:28 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (113)
* ivannov (64)
* lincolnthree (40)
* agoncal (11)
* jbossbot (10)
* jbott (9)
* Devanshu (5)
* addonis1990 (0)
* vineetreynolds (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
9 years, 7 months