Help me mapping Forge Facets/Addon with Wildfly Swarm Fractions :) !
by Sebastien Blanc
Hi Forgers !
As some might know, I'm working, when times allow, on the Forge Swarm Addon
( ).
The next thing I would like to implement, and thanks to Antonio who gave me
the idea, is to be able to install Swarm Fractions automatically when a
Facet / Addon is installed (and that the project has off course already the
Swarm Facet), so for instance, if I do a "jpa-setup" it will also install
the "jpa" swarm fraction.
The central piece of that, is …
[View More]having a document / table ,whatever, that
describes the best the mapping between these 2 things. Maybe basing it on a
facet installation event is not enough, maybe there are other forge
command that should also trigger the addition of a fraction ...
That is why I need your help, I started a document here :
Feel free to correct my mistake, add columns (for Forge command for
instance), add mappings !
I don't know if Swarm people watch this list to, otherwise I will ping them
on irc as well.
ps : fractions has also transitive dependency between them (I will handle
that later, for the next feature ;) )
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9 years, 1 month
Re: [forge-dev] No download link for Forge 2
by George Gastaldi
Hi Ivan,
I removed the link to Forge 2 as Forge 3 is the version we want people to
use. But you're right, I'll re-add the link to Forge 2 until Forge
3.0.0.Final is released.
You can also dowload Forge 2 from
Thanks for pointing that out.
Em 26/01/2016 19:00, "Ivan St. Ivanov" <> escreveu:
Hi everybody,
I wanted to download Forge 2 in order to test an addon that we are doing in
[View More]Bulgarian JUG. So I went to the website and
clicked the Download link for Linux. I expected that this will download
Forge 2 for two reasons: 1) it is our latest final version (3 is still in
beta), 2) there is a separate download link for Forge 3 on the top of the
page. But the version that I got was Forge 3.
So, I'm wondering, if we still have a link to download Forge 1.x, isn't it
a good idea to have the same for Forge 2 as well?
P.S. I built it manually by checking out one of the Forge 2 tags
forge-dev mailing list
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9 years, 1 month
No download link for Forge 2
by Ivan St. Ivanov
Hi everybody,
I wanted to download Forge 2 in order to test an addon that we are doing in
Bulgarian JUG. So I went to the website and
clicked the Download link for Linux. I expected that this will download
Forge 2 for two reasons: 1) it is our latest final version (3 is still in
beta), 2) there is a separate download link for Forge 3 on the top of the
page. But the version that I got was Forge 3.
So, I'm wondering, if we still have a link to download Forge 1.x, …
[View More]isn't it
a good idea to have the same for Forge 2 as well?
P.S. I built it manually by checking out one of the Forge 2 tags
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9 years, 1 month
Forge meeting minutes
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 15:09:36 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 15:10:26)
* Status update and priorities (gastaldi, 15:12:21)
* Forge 3.0.0.Beta3 (yes, you read that right) is now released. This
version fixes some issues that the fabric8 team had and also uses a
Furnace version targeted at JDK 8 …
[View More] (gastaldi, 15:13:44)
* ACTION: gastaldi will work on the 3.0.0.Beta3 announcement blog post
(gastaldi, 15:14:14)
* Right now my current priority is to make sure that the Hands-on-lab
works on Forge 3. I am updating the docs too (gastaldi, 15:15:52)
* Branding Forge (gastaldi, 15:20:45)
* ACTION: gastaldi will schedule a Hangout during the F2F meeting in
Brno to discuss about Forge's Branding (gastaldi, 15:53:58)
Meeting ended at 15:56:57 UTC.
Action Items
* gastaldi will work on the 3.0.0.Beta3 announcement blog post
* gastaldi will schedule a Hangout during the F2F meeting in Brno to
discuss about Forge's Branding
Action Items, by person
* gastaldi
* gastaldi will work on the 3.0.0.Beta3 announcement blog post
* gastaldi will schedule a Hangout during the F2F meeting in Brno to
discuss about Forge's Branding
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (61)
* agoncal (37)
* vineetreynolds (15)
* nchal (11)
* jbott (5)
* sblanc (4)
* jbossbot (3)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`:
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9 years, 2 months
Stacks - FORGE-2316
by George Gastaldi
Hello Forgers!
I would really appreciate your feedback on the Forge Stacks support. I have
provided a pull-request ( that I
want to merge still this week with the changes.
I still need to document this feature, but it basically does what is
described in
Regarding to the implementation details, I created a StacksFacet interface
(that's supposed to be implemented if you want to add a new stack) that
returns a …
[View More]Stack object (that is in charge of deciding if a given
ProjectFacet is supported). Stacks are built using the StackBuilder class.
I have added a --stack option in the project-new command that just calls
the StackFacet.install() method. In order to find the facet bound to the
project it is simply a matter of calling:
Let me know if you have any questions. I'd be more than happy to answer.
*George Gastaldi*
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9 years, 2 months