Ok, part way through writing this email I realized it probably makes some
sense to break it down a bit more.
Now I'm thinking we need an AnnotationProcessor interface with methods like:
String getClassName()
String getOptions()
String getSourceDirectory()
String getOutputDirectory()
List<Dependency> getDependencies()
Then the AnnotationProcessorFacet methods would be:
addAnnotationProcessor(AnnotationProcessor processor)
removeAnnotationProcessor(AnnotationProcessor processor)
List<AnnotationProcessor> getAnnotationProcessors()
processAnnotation(AnnotationProcessor processor)
That's some real thinking on the fly so any other thoughts/enhancements are
most welcome!
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 5:04 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter(a)gmail.com
> Hmm,
> Good questions. I think #2 would probably be the easiest, but we could
> offer #1 as an alternative for those who don't want to use the maven build
> plugin.
> I think #3 would probably be the most robust for future use. What kinds of
> methods are you thinking of including for the facet?
> ~Lincoln
> On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 3:41 PM, Ken Finnigan <ken(a)kenfinnigan.me
>> Hey Lincoln,
>> Have been working on adding JPA model generation to the persistence plugin
>> over the last few days and have been mulling over the best way to implement
>> it and wanted to get your thoughts.
>> I see that there are a few possibilities:
>> 1) Call the NativeMethodExec utility to call javac for running annotation
>> processing only.
>> 2) Add an annotation processing profile to the pom as part of the install
>> of the plugin (if they select they want model gen), and then performing the
>> model gen would execute the maven to process and generate annotations
>> 3) An extension of 2 would be to make an AnnotationProcessorFacet, and
>> then do 2 as a Maven implementation of that facet.
>> After thinking about it today I think 3 seems the most flexible, but
>> wanted to get your thoughts.
>> Thanks
>> Ken
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> "Keep it Simple"