Hey Dan,
The only thing that's missing there are the service references for the Hello and
Goodbye services. There is a switchyard command to create those:
$ switchyard add-reference --referenceName Hello --interfaceType java --interface
[className] --componentName [componentName]
You can get the values for [className] and [componentName] from the output of:
$ switchyard show-config
Let me know if that doesn't work and send me your project. I can take it from there.
My power has been up and down this afternoon (taking interwebs connectivity with it), so
apologies if I don't reply right away.
On Jul 6, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
I've been going through the SwitchYard video to get the Greeting service working
starting w/ Forge [1]. However, I keep hitting the same problem when I try to run the
first test:
16:22:46,228 ERROR [work.SwitchYardServiceTaskHandler] serviceRef
({urn:switchyard:application:greeting}Hello) == null
16:22:46,228 ERROR [work.SwitchYardServiceTaskHandler] serviceRef
({urn:switchyard:application:greeting}Goodbye) == null
I follow the steps exactly, the only difference is that I'm not using the BPM2 visual
editor to create the service because I can't seem to get it to work.
new-project --named greeting --topLevelPackage org.example.greeting
project install-facet switchyard
project install-facet switchyard.bpm
bpm-service create --serviceName Greeting
project install-facet switchyard.bean
bean-service create --serviceName Hello
bean-service create --serviceName Goodbye
switchyard create-service-test --serviceName Greeting
# edit code to use System.out.println in HelloBean and GoodbyeBean and change Greeter
# copied attached bpmn file from the forums
If you have a better simple Forge-based example instead, I'll take that too.
Dan Allen
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597